Welcome to New York
Visitors to New York often do not venture far beyond Times Square and the Statue of Liberty. For travelers who want a more personal connection with New York, exploring the wonderful alternative markets is a unique way to connect with some of the people who give the city its broad and diverse character.
The site provides details about the rich and diverse markets in the boroughs of New York City, including flea markets, artisan markets, green markets, antique markets, holiday markets, and even a vegan market. It features many rich photos and vendor profiles to help you plan their visits and give them an idea of what they can find in each market.
To connect New York’s traditional and alternative markets with the people who are looking for information about them in one consolidated guidebook.
To help visitors and New Yorkers alike explore parts of the city and have experiences that they normally would not think – or dare – to do on their own.
To promote the artisans, farmers, and collectors who keep these traditional style markets alive and vibrant.
To support local entrepreneurs, small businesses and sustainable lifestyles.
Looking for Something in Particular?
If you are looking for a particular type of item or market, maybe I can help. I recently helped some dear friends source 250 delicious custom cupcakes for their wedding from a baker I met at a market. You can find almost anything in the markets, but it helps if you know where to look. Send me an email and let me know how I can help.
Available for Speaking Engagements
Are you looking for someone to speak at your event? I am passionate evangelist for creative entrepreneurship, markets of all kinds, and New York City. I have extensive experience as an engaging and dynamic public speaker. Contact me to talk about how I can share my expertise and energy with your oganization!
Thanks to all the incredible market managers and vendors who work so hard to create these brilliant events for all of us. And thanks to my indescribably amazing husband James. And thanks to you for shopping in the markets, which keeps them going, innovating, baking, designing and selling to all of us!
Karen Seiger: karen@marketsofnewyork.com
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My Favorite Media
Found one of the city’s new hidden gems while shooting our first story this morning. #foodie #Chelsea #NY1 #health #gansevoort
Posted by Kristen Shaughnessy on Thursday, May 7, 2015
I have been a regular contributor on Time Warner Cable NY1 News, thanks to Kristen Shaughnessy and the awesome team at New York’s local news station. See all videos here. (You need a Time Warner Cable account to play them.)
I am also honored to contribute stories about the markets to Edible Manhattan and Edible Brooklyn Magazines.
Hi! I’m Karen
Author, Blogger, Market Enthusiast
Markets of New York City began as a guidebook and then became a blog. My goal is to provide a resource for people who aspire to a higher quality of life and a sustainable lifestyle by supporting local businesses and buying directly from the people who make and grow the things we all love, need and want. Today's modern versions of the city’s historical markets provide New Yorkers and visitors with ample opportunity to live and shop this way.
This website is a resource for explorers, shoppers, collectors, foodies and fashionistas, as well as entrepreneurs, designers, growers and anyone seeking inspiration.
What’s my story? My name is Karen Seiger, and I am an author, blogger, market enthusiast, and editor of this website. I wrote the guidebook, Markets of New York City: A Guide to the Best Artisan, Farmer, Food, and Flea Markets (Little Bookroom, 2010), and I launched the website to accompany the guidebook because markets change all the time by their very nature. Also, I just couldn’t stop writing about the people I meet, objects I find and the markets I visit pretty much every weekend. Something in a market will surprise, amaze and delight me — every single weekend!
Because of my extraordinary experiences in markets all over the world, from the Hippie Fair in Rio de Janeiro, the Merced Market in Mexico City and the food and craft markets in Mozambique, to the Flea Barn off I-70 outside of Columbus, Ohio and the huge vintage markets around Maine, I would rather shop in a market than any other kind of establishment. The markets are where I have found most of my best treasures and my favorite foods.
I also have the great good fortune to be the editor-in-chief for North America of 111 Places That You Must Not Miss, a wonderful series of worldwide guidebooks for locals and experienced travelers! I always ask my authors to try and include the coolest markets in their books.
So welcome to the markets of New York City! If you're a big market fan too, I'd love to hear your stories. If you haven't ventured into these wonderful places, I'm happy to help you get started!
Happy market days!