The Gowanus NITE Market is launching their series of truly awesome monthly events every second Saturday night, starting on December 8th! Here is their full press release:

Gowanus NITE Market • 12/8/12 • 7pm-Midnight • Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY
With the exception of its boutique set up, Pop-Up market style and the fact that it will take place at night, the Gowanus NITE Market (GNM), is a monthly indoor experience that’s anything but typical.
On the 2nd Saturday of the month, the Gowanus NITE Market creators are excited to partner with Film Biz Recycling (FBR) as they occupy their raw and quirky 10,000 square foot warehouse in the heart of Gowanus, Brooklyn. FBR not only supplies the NYC film, television and theater community with awesome film props, they also offer creative Reuse and DIY workshops, studio space for artists whose work revolves around reuse and much more.
At GNM you can expect: Rotating film industry props changing the look of the venue each month, super cool vendors, creatively designed vendor stations utilizing furnishings from the prop shop, an occasional throw back video game battle (Atari anyone?), wicked DJ spinning and a long list of monthly happenings . GNM aims to be the first night market of its kind, guaranteed to offer both amazing, locally produced goods and an awesome sensory experience.
Film Biz Recycling is located at 540 President Street (lower level) between 3rd & 4th avenues in Gowanus, Brooklyn. FBR is half a block from the union street R train, a few short blocks from the G train at Carroll Street and multiple train lines at the Atlantic Avenue station.
Attention Vendors: Sell your products at the Gowanus NITE Market!
#MarketsofNYC #NYCFilm #KarenSeiger #MarketsNYC #NYCMarkets #FilmIndustryProps #Gowanus #GowanusNITEMarket #FilmBizRecycling #FBR #ReuseandDIYworkshops #AtlanticAvenue #Television #PressRelease #studiospaceforartists #DJ #theater #MarketsofNewYorkCity #NightMarket #Atari #FilmProps #LocallyProducedGoods