Purple and green Asparagus from Cedar Hill / Kernan Farms
Aparagus is one of my very favorite vegetables. So when asparagus season comes again each summer, i get excited about steamed stalks, drizzled with a little butter and a lot of fresh lemon juice, just like my mom used to make.
Cedar Hill / Kernan Farms, out of Bridgeton, NJ, has gorgeous asparagus right now in the Greenmarkets 6 days a week. According to the asparagus sign under their market tent, asparagus is “a great source of folate and helps keep heart disease at bay.”
If anyone has a good recipe for Cream of Asparagus Soup, will you please share it with me? Thank you!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City

Asparagus Forest – Cedar Hill / Kernan Farms at the Greenmarkets 6 days a week

Kernan Farm has the best signs in the farmers markets
#KarenSeiger #CedarHillKernanFarms #sourceoffolate #asparaguswithbutterandlemon #heartdisease #CedarHillFarm #AsparagusintheGreenmarkets #Justlikemymomusedtomake #CreamofAsparagusSouprecipe #keepheartdiseaseatbay #asparagus #Greenmarket #AsparagusSeason #folate #MarketsofNewYorkCity #KernanFarms #BridgetonNewJerseyFarm