I reported on the new Dekalb Market back in March, and I am thrilled to spread the word that the market is opening this Saturday, July 23rd, 2011! I have posted their press release below. Can’t wait to see how it all came together!
Brooklyn, NY (July, 2011)—Urban Space is excited to announce that Dekalb Market, a new sustainable hub for retail and community, is scheduled to open on Fulton Mall in Downtown Brooklyn on Saturday, July 23.
A collection of shops, an educational farm, an Internet radio station, and food vendors, the market will provide fun and entertainment for people of all ages. A portion of the market’s vendors will be housed in retrofitted shipping containers, alongside an incubator urban farm. Dekalb Market will be located at the intersection of Flatbush and Willoughby in Downtown Brooklyn, close to Fort Greene, DUMBO, Long Island University, Metrotech, the downtown business district and Fulton Street.
“We’re creating a central location in Brooklyn for commerce, art and design, as well as a functioning green space for people in the neighborhood to enjoy,” says Eldon Scott, President of Urban Space.
Urban Space aims to support the growth of Brooklyn’s best creative entrepreneurs by offering them an affordable retail alternative to a traditional storefront—all in a unique and dynamic marketplace setting.
What you’ll find at Dekalb Market:
Dekalb Farm – An educational resource for the public and the urban agricultural community, Dekalb Farm will be a small urban farm operated by local farmers and education partners, including Family Cooks Productions, 3rd Ward, New York City College of Technology, The Brooklyn Grange, Newton Farm Cooperative, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, and Atom’s Eco. The farm’s produce will be incorporated into on-site cooking demos, food vendors’ recipes, a local university’s culinary arts program and into a community “food security” distribution plan.
BBOX Radio – A community Internet radio station that will be broadcasting live, online and on-site from their container at the Dekalb Market. Radio show submissions are currently being accepted. Visit www.bboxradio.com for more information.
Food – Some of Brooklyn’s best and newest small food purveyors are setting up shop at Dekalb Market. Vendors include Cheeky’s, Cuzin’s Duzin, Joe the Art of Coffee, Maharlika, Mazie’s Bites, Nile Valley Juice & Sandwiches, Pasticcio, Robicelli’s, Sour Puss Pickles, and Tea by Tiffany.
Shops – Unique, popular, locally-owned designers and purveyors, including B66, Brooklyn Rock, Daga Antiques, Hank & JoJo, Harriet’s by Hekima, Honeysuckle & Hearts, kudu-lah, Little Poco, Pratt Design Incubator and Yakblak Specs & Sunnies.
Weekend Market – A unique mix of makers, artisans and producers will also set up at the Dekalb Market’s weekend market, in custom-made market stalls, which will be open on Saturdays and Sundays.
Events – A variety of events featuring local entertainment and community programs will appear throughout the week.
For more information, visit www.dekalbmarket.com.
#KarenSeiger #NewYorkCityCollegeofTechnology #BrooklynsBestEntrepreneurs #DekalbFarm #FlatbushAvenue #EducationalFarm #FultonStreet #FamilyCooksProductions #HubforArtisans #UrbanSpaceNYC #Pasticcio #B66 #DataAntiques #YakblakSpecsampSunnies #MarketsNYC #NewtonFarmCooperative #DUMBO #JoeTheArtofCoffee #MarketVendors #NilevalleyJuiceampSandwiches #Robicellis #Cheekys #BrooklynGrange #PrattDesignIncubator #CuzinsDozin #HarrietsbyHekima #FultonMall #Brooklyn #GreenSpace #KuduLah #HoneysuckleampHearts #AtomsEco #Eateries #FoodVendors #MalcolmXGrassrootsMovement #LongIslandUniversity #Events #DekalbMarket #CommunityInternetRadio #MarketsofNewYorkCity #BBOXRadio #UrbanSpace #BrooklynRock #MaziesBites #WilloughbyStreet #Metrotech #CommunityPrograms #SourPussPickles #CreativeStartUps #3rdWard #LittlePoco #TeabyTiffany #FoodSecurity #FortGreene #HankampoJo #Maharlika #DowntownBrooklyn #weekendMarket