I recently got wind of an amazing estate sale that I wanted to bring to your attention. It looks like there are some pretty groovy antique and vintage treasures from 1890’s to the 1980s to be found, such as:
1890 postal guides;
stamps from the former Soviet Union
1930’s postal boxes
military photos, personal correspondence
an army helmet with bullet holes from WWII
depression glass in mint condition
apothecary bottles
colorful book plates
wood doors
distressed lumber salvaged from a barn
turn-of-the-century baby shoes
1913 phonograph records
a 1960’s police detective files
a hardcover 1930 phone book
ad posters from defunct brands like Sealtest
hand-made Americana
appliances, housewares, cameras, typewriters, telephones, farm tools, furniture, lamps, wooden ironing boards, and more!
The sale manager, says this collection is a treasure trove for stylists seeking props for photo shoots and window displays. Items are priced to sell too, many under $5. It’s worth going to this estate sale just to see the venue too, a 1920’s smoked fish factory!
Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, August 3, 2013
Time: Preview 9AM – 10AM. Sale runs 6PM-9PM. Both sessions are open to the public!
Address: 71 Montrose Avenue, East Williamsburg (map)
Other Information: Cash or credit/debit card only. Visitors must register at the entrance to receive a Buyer Number. Registration requires accepting the terms of sale and abiding by house rules. Large items will be released at closing. Loading assistance is available and gratuities for this service is encouraged and appreciated. Local delivery is available for a fee.
See you there!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City

This was one of the storage units. Items are dusty, so be prepared to get your hands dirty!

Estate Sale: Vintage scale, WWII helmet, ephemera and much more!
Estate Sale Vintage Typewriter –

Estate Sale: World Trade Center banner and other vintage ephemera
#salvaged #KarenSeiger #militaryphotos #1980s #Stamps #EstateSale #appliances #1890s #telephones #Sealtest #SovietUnion #phonographrecords #Brooklyn #woodenironingboards #DepressionGlass #Lamps #Furniture #farmtools #1930sphonebook #cameras #VintageSale #Americana #MarketsofNewYorkCity #armyhelment #wooddoors #Williamsburg #Markets #typewriters #policedetectivefiles #lumber #bookplates #Housewares #babyshoes #WWII #Barn #apotehcarybottles