Tiny Niece, Tiny Pumpkin
It’s the spookiest weekend of the year! And the markets are in on the fun! So hit these scary Halloween Markets today (and tomorrow), and enjoy fall for the short time we have it. And here’s a hint: if you buy a sugar pumpkin at your farmers market, you can carve it or paint it and then turn it into a pie!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Queens Hallow’s Eve Night Market and MKs: LAST MARKET! Come out for the last market of the season for the Queens International Night Market! There’s food from around the world, plus a costume contest with real prizes, a costume swap if you want to change things up, and music! 6PM – 12AM, New York Hall of Science, Flushing Meadows Corona Park 47-01 111th Street, Corona, Queens
Zodiac Market – Scorpio: Catland’s monthly market is featuring “a weird and wild array of alchemical preparations, taxidermy, occult crafts, and more. Under Scorpio, this month’s market will focus on “glamour, death as art, and works that indulge our senses in curious ways.” Intriuged? 12PM – 6PM, Catland, 987 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, October 28 & 29, 2017
Curious and Unusual Market: The home of the curious and unusual, Coney Island USA is hosting this fabulous Halloween market. You’ll find chocolate skulls, taxidermy creatures, grub and bloodworm jewelry, crocheted monsters, serial killer portaits, and more (as if you needed more). 12PM – 11PM Saturday, 12PM – 7PM Sunday, 1208 Surf Avenue at West 12th Street, Brooklyn
Day of the Dead NYC Marketplaceí: St. Marks’ In-The-Bowery is haunted enough on a good day (Peter Stuyvesant is buried in the wall there). So it’s the perfect place to host a Dia de los Muertos weekend with a Mexican folk art market, alter building and paper flower making activities, and Mariachis. 1PM – 6PM, East Yard of St. Mark’s in-the-Bowery 11th Street and 2nd Avenues, Manhattan
Hell’s Kitchen Halloween Market: Sugar Pumpkins for painting and then turning into your pies! They have them, plus face painting all weekend, and wonderful antieques, fleas, and artisan vendors in Hell’s Kitchen! 9AM – 6PM, 39th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues, Manhattan
Wind Up Watch Fair: There’s something so meditative about winding your watch. Remember? Worn & Wound is hosting a group of fine watch brands, accessories and timepiece ephemera for the first watch fair of its kind. It’s also inside Chelsea Market, so you can enjoy their insane holiday decorations while you’re there! 11AM – 6PM, Chelsea Market, 75 9th Avenue, Manhattan
Winter Village at Bryant Park: OPENING DAY! Yes, our first holiday market of the year is opening this weekend! It’s filled with wonderful gifts and delicious food, so make a habit of hanging out there, going ice skating, and squeezing every drop out of the season! 7AM – 11PM, Bryant Park, between 40th and 42nd Streets and 5th and 6th Avenues, Manhattan
Sunday, October 29. 2017
The Makers Market: Ready for some amazing local craft artisans? Come check out the Maekrs Market at Sycamore Brooklyn. Go home with new treasures, new friends, and maybe even a new henna tattoo! 12PM – 5PM, Sycamore Brooklyn, 1118 Cortelyou Road, Brooklyn
Scary Bazaar – Halloween Special: Grand Bazaar does it again with a fabulous lineup of spooky vendors of Halloween treats and crafts, along with a wide variety of flea and antique sellers of furniture, tableware, collectibles, clothing and more. 100% of the profits go to support the local schools. 10:30AM – 5:30PM, 100 West 77th Street at Columbus Avenue, Manhattan
Vegan Market at Market Hotel: This monthly vegan event includes food vendors and much more. You’l find all-vegan fashion, makeup, body products, and much more here. Bring your vegan and non-vegan friends for shopping and a nosh. 12PM – 5PM, Market Hotel, 1140 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #TheMakersMarket #ConeyIslandUSA #HalloweenMarkets2017 #QueensInternationalNightMarket #ZodiacMarket #HalloweenSpecial #HolidayMarket #VeganMarketatMarketHotel #QueensHallowsEveNightMarket #ScaryBazaar #CuriousandUnusualMarket #GrandBazaar #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Scorpio #DayoftheDeadNYCMarket #HellsKitchenHallwoeenMarket #WinterVillageatBryantParkOpeningDay #sugarpumpkins