Vespertine Reflective Clothing by Sarah Canner
What if bikers could be seen at night without having to put on dumpy crossing guard gear? What if you could look fabulous and be visible as you bike through the night streets of New York City or Paris?
These are the questions fashion designer Sarah Canner asked herself. The answer she came up with is Vespertine Haute Réflecture, an innovative and fashionable this new approach to biking gear and beyond.
I met Sarah at this season’s BESTOW Holiday Pop-Up I got so excited about her designs. She has transformed the reflective vest into Vesps, now chic fashion accessories. And then there are the Road Hogs, commanding attention work during the day and shining on right into the night.
Vespertine reflective dresses and coats are beautifully tailored. The Vespertine collections also include reflective jewelry, as well as bowties, scarves and trouser straps for men. Meet Sarah and see her killer designs at BESTOW this weekend and next week Wednesday through Sunday!
See the 2013 Holiday Markets of New York City Guide for all the season-long Grand Markets!
Weekend Holiday Market Picks:
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Brooklyn Friends School Winter Festival and Artisan Craft Fair, 375 Pearl Street, Brooklyn
Crafted at the Canal, Build It Green NYC, 69 9th St, Brooklyn
Jolly Holly Fair & New Brighton Holiday Stroll, Corner of Fillmore Street and Clinton Avenue, Staten Island
Not Yo Mama’s Holiday Craft Fair, Boca Grande, 564 Washington St, Jersey City, NJ
PS 321 Holiday Shop – Stuff You Should Buy, 180 7th Ave, Brooklyn
Rubina Holiday Pop Up Market at West Elm, 112 W 18th Street, Chelsea, Manhattan
St. Luke’s School Annual Christmas Fair, 487 Hudson St (1 block south of Christopher St), Manhattan
We Love Holiday Pop Up Market, Winegasm, 31-86 37th Street, Astoria, Queens
Saturday & Sunday, December 7 & 8, 2013
BESTOW: DENYC Design Collective Holiday Pop Up Benefiting NY Cares, 101 West 15th Street at 6th Avenue, Manhattan
Crafts at the Cathedral, St. John the Divine, Amsterdam Ave and West 110th St, Manhattan
Provisions Holiday Market by Food 52, 168 Bowery, Manhattan
National Museum of the American Indian Art Market, Bowling Green, Manhattan
St. Boniface Christmas Fair, St. Joseph High School Auditorium, 80 Willoughby St, Brooklyn
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Brooklyn Makers Holiday Bazaar – Schmooze, Booze & Shop, 501 Union Street, Brooklyn
Eat Pie & Shop, P.S. 29, 425 Henry St, Brooklyn
4th Universalist Society of NY Holiday Market, 160 Central Park West, Manhattan
Greenpointers Holiday Market, Greenpoint Loft, 67 West St, 5th floor, Brooklyn
Astoria Market Holiday Shopping, Bohemian Hall indoors, 29-19 24th Avenue, Astoria, Queens
Ridgewood Artisan Holiday Market, Gottscheer Hall!, 657 Fairview Avenue, Ridgewood, Queens
Happy Holidays!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #AstoriaMarketHoldiayShopping #GreenpointersHolidayMarket #RidgewoodArtisanHolidayMarket #WeLoveHolidayPopUpMarket #2013 #HolidayMarketsofNewYorkCityGuide #Winegasm #EatpieandShop #Vesps #WinterfestivalandArtisanCraftFair #ReflectiveFashion #WeekendHolidayMarketPicks #Scarves #BrooklynQueens #bowties #DENYCDesignCollective #BikeFashion #trouserstraps #ProvisionsHolidayMarket #Stuff #StuffYouShouldBuyMarket #Food52 #SarahCanner #Bestow #Reflectivecoat #NMWA #4thUniversalistSocietyofNYHolidayMarket #StatenIsland #December7amp8 #Refelctivedress #NotYoMamasHolidayCraftFair #HauteReflecture #Schmoozeboozeandshop #FashionDesign #CraftsattheCathedral #ReflectiveClothing #Desig #MarketsofNewYorkCity #HolidayPopUp #StBonifaceChristianFair #JollyHollyFair #BrooklynFriendsSchool #PS321 #NewBrightonHolidayStroll #StLukesSchool #BrooklynMakersHolidayBazaar #Manhattan #CraftedattheCanal #RoadHog #AnnualChristmasFair #Vespertine #StJohntheDivine #Astoria #NationalMuseumoftheAmericanIndianArtMarket