I’ve always been a sucker for marshmallows. When there is no campfire nearby, I’ve been known to roast a few on a fork over my gas stove. And then I found MitchMallows. They are nothing like the marshmallows from summer camp.
I tried my first MitchMallows at the Chocolate World Expo last fall, and I ran into them again last Saturday at the Spring Made in NYC Market. MitchMallows are light, fluffy and fun concoctions handmade in small batches by Mitch Greenberg. His secret for creating perfect sweet — and savory! — marshmallows is: Math + Mechanics + MAGIC. He is clearly onto something.
Mitchmallows come in a rainbow of colors and flavors, likely influenced by Mitch’s education at Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus Clown College. In the photo above, you can see the following MitchMallows: (front row, l-r) Banana Split, Blueberries & Cream, PB & Chocolate, (back row, l-r) Ginger Wasabi, Mallopolitan, Milo’s Very Hot Chocolate (spicy). I’m more familiar with the sweet flavors, but I did see a Thanksgiving gravy mallow on Mitch’s website. I’d totally try that.
These one-inch confections are beautiful too, pastels of every shade. But Mitch takes them so much further, with coconut, frosting, and even eyeballs. Spend a few minutes of your day looking at them all on MitchMallows.com. You will feel a whole lot happier for it.

#KarenSeiger #summercamp #MarketsNYC #MitchGreenberg #RinglingBrothersBarnumampBaileyCircusClownCollege #NYCMarkets #eyeballs #SpringMadeinNYCMarket #GingerWasabi #Circus #Mallopolitan #Coconut #marshmallows #RinglingBrothers #peeps #Market #MitchMallows #ChocolateWOrldExpo #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Happy #MarketsofNewYork #MilosVeryHotChocolate #ClownCollege #ThanksgivingGravymarshmallow #BarnumampBailey #MitchmallowPeep #MadeinNYC #summercamp #pastel