The Modsushi Collection includes food tees, like the one pictured, and many other great ones as well. “I ♥ Mayonnaise,” and “I ♥ Ketchup” resonate with me. The social commentary tees are nothing if not timely: “Laid Off is the New Black,” and “Low Wage Worker.” There are also some more, well, scatological ones that clearly appeal to the less demure than yours truly: ex. “I ♥ Peeing Outside,” which, interestingly, comes in all sizes from XXL to Onesie. All t-shirts are handprinted on American Apparel, Anvil and Tultex garments.
If you’re looking for a message to wear on your chest, Chane probably has just the one. How about this one: “Your Trailer or Mine”?
#KarenSeiger #ILovePeeingOutside #SullivanStreet #Soho #YoungDesignersMarket #YourTrailerorMine #LaidOffistheNewBlack #Anvil #ChaneTShirts #ILoveKetchup #ChaneTees #StAthonysMarket #LowWageWorker #TheMarketNYC #Chane #Modsushi #HandPrinted #Messageonyourchest #Tultex #XXL #ModSushiCollection #AmericanApparel #MarketsofNewYorkCity #funnytshirts #ArtisanMarket #IronicTShirts #Onesie #ILoveMayonnaise #HoustonStreet