It’s 98°F outside today, and I am dreaming about ice cream! I had my first taste of Blue Marble Ice Cream at the Brooklyn Flea, and I knew I had to include them as on of the wonderful and innovative food vendors in Markets of New York City. Blue Marble has really hit a sweet spot in New York City’s palate with their small batch artisanal ice cream made on a farm in the Hudson Valley from organic, grass-fed dairy and certified organic sugar. This attention to the fundamental goodness in their ingredients and ice cream making is what makes Blue Marble’s ice cream taste so delicious, even when it’s not blistering hot outside.
I am particularly intrigued by the efforts of the two founders of Blue Marble to make a difference in the world with their non-profit venture, “Blue Marble Dreams.” They recently opened up the very first ice cream parlor, “Inzozi Nziza,” or “Sweet Dreams,” in Butare, South Rwanda! This project provides professional skills training and employment for local women in a country that still suffers from the aftermath of a particularly brutal civil war. I spent some time working with local communities in Africa myself, and I have to say that this project is so important and significant for the women involved because it gives them real economic opportunities, not to mention the opportunity to scoop out a bit of happiness for a community that really needs it. (See the whole story on CNN.)
Blue Marble has two ice cream shops in Boerum Hill and Prospect Heights, and one in Butare, Rwanda. You can find them at both Brooklyn Flea locations every weekend. This summer, they are also one of the fabulous Brooklyn Flea food vendors at Summer Stage in Central Park.
#KarenSeiger #BlueMarbleIceCream #BoerumHill #Women #Grassfed #Rwanda #Butare #SmallBatch #SummerStage #Certifiedorganicsugar #ProspectHeights #HudsonValley #EconomicDevelopment #CentralPark #BlueMarbleDreams #InzoziNziza #MarketsofNewYorkCity #OrganicIceCream #SweetDreams #Philanthropy #Africa #BrooklynFlea #NonProfit #IceCream