This Brooklyn-based company currently sells three kinds of caramel sauce: Lavender, Chai, and Habanero. I love how they span the spectrum from gentle lavender, to the stronger spices in chai, and onto the pow of hot pepper. Each one is distinct, gooey, and delicious.
Last weekend at our Sunday Family Dinner, we made David Lebovitz’ vanilla ice cream with a vanilla pod we got at the beautiful Sullivan Street Tea and Spice Company. We drizzled the chai caramel sauce over the top of the each scoop. Our guests actually purred. And there were no leftovers.
These caramel sauces are made with high quality organic ingredients. You can even pair them with savory dishes as glazes. But really all you need is a spoon.
Come try Herbin’ Spoonful’s caramel sauces weekends at the Hester Street Fair. Check the website for exact dates