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  • Writer's pictureKaren Seiger

Remembering Steve Jobs with Bugged Out – Cross Posted from Sirene MediaWorks

Cross Posted from Sirene MediaWorks

I wrote this posting for my business blog originally.  And then last weekend I visited with the lovely people from Bugged Out at the St. Anthony’s Market.  They are known for their sweet bugs designs, and they also have an exclusive line of fruits and veggies that they created for the New York Botanical Garden.  In memory of Steve Jobs, they had hung out only their smiling apple shirts and totes on the church gate at the market.  I thought it was such a nice gesture, and perfect for a cross posting of Remembering Steve Jobs on Markets of New York City.

I have loads of early Mac memories.

– I was one of the first kids in my high school in the early 1980’s to write a term paper on a computer, my dad’s Macintosh,  In 1993 we saw it in the Smithsonian Museum of American History together, while he still had his in his lab and used it to write stories and letters to his daughters.

– In college in the mid-1980’s, I was a writing tutor for students with learning and physical disabilities. They all used a Mac IIe because those with visual impairments could see the screen, and those with learning disabilities didn’t have to deal with pens and paper.  What a difference that computer made for their writing.

– In my first job out of graduate school, the company had PC’s, which, I assure you, felt like work.  But during that time I saw a demo of a Next computer, and I’ll never forget that amazing, rotating, purple 3D skull graphic. And the fact that computers didn’t have to be the color of nasty putty!

– My husband is a Mac fanatic through and through.  I remember a day when Apple wasn’t doing so well in the market.  Imagining a PC-only world was absolutely and utterly unbearable to him.  I think he’s on his 23rd Mac computer these days, not to mention countless iPods, iPads, and iPhones (yes, we waited in line for the first one – even had a pizza delivered to our sidewalk spot on Houston and Green Sts. in NYC).  I have received the gift of Macs.  Our families and friends all consult him on all their computer needs.  His brother bought a PC, and they barely spoke for a year.  Now he has a Mac.

So while it’s possible to imagine a world without Apple, it’s nowhere I want to live.  Steve Job’s death has been so very sad to me on a selfish level because he made my world so amazing.  I am sorry for his family and friends, and for the millions of others whose lives he not only touched, but changed radically.  Kids today are hard-wired for touch screens.  They have no idea how it used to be.  Before Steve Jobs. [singlepic id=1196 w=240 h=320 float=center]

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