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  • Writer's pictureKaren Seiger

Smorgasburg Met My Seriously High Expectations

You know that face we all make when we bite into something absolutely delicious?  The one that is accompanied by the words, “Mmmmmmmm,” “That’s soooo gooood,” and “Oh. Mah. Gah.”  I saw that face all over Smorgasburg on Saturday.

Despite the L Train woes, there was a fine crowd at Smorgasburg on the Williamsburg Waterfront.  My friend Jeff Nolan and I toured the market, starting with a visit with Beth Linskey of Beth’s Farm Kitchen, who was doing a food demo and book signing at the Waterfront Greenmarket that is a part of Smorgasburg.  This greenmarket is not only a destination for foodies, but it serves the neighborhood by providing farm fresh produce, eggs, cheese, and even lavender, which every household needs.

I was happy to finally meet Matthew Tilden of Scratchbread.  He has created the Toast Bar at Smorgasburg, where you can order up something incredibly delicious, like the Tomato Dunk in the photo above, a cup of tangy, thick tomato sauce with whole garlic that comes with two pieces of fresh foccaccia for dunking.  And we couldn’t not try the Hot Sticky Mess, “griddled chai sticky buns with vanilla bean and cinnamon.”  It’s warm, sweet, and sticky, and yeah, it’s messy too.

The selection at Smorgasburg was really wonderful, including many of the famous regular Brooklyn Flea food sellers, as well as many others.  The Red Hook Lobster Pound was there, along with the wonderful people from Peoples’ Pops.  We loved the savory brisket sandwich from the Meat Hook. Dough was all but sold out by the time we got there, which no surprise because their donuts are truly amazing.  (Dough owner Fany Gerson’s cookbook, My Sweet Mexico was nominated for a James Beard Foundation Award this year.)  It was also great to meet Rich Awn of Market Share, selling food products by local food purveyors.

Jeff, Beth and I shared a serving of Sunday Gravy from Table Tales over pasta al dente with fresh grated parmesan.  I first tasted this fantastic tomato meat sauce at the New Amsterdam Market, and it blew me away there too.  We all made that food face.

It’s no surprise that Smorgasburg serves up such wonderful, innovative food.  And it’s no surprise that New Yorkers and visitors are eating it all up.  What is a lovely surprise is the flood of happiness that comes over you when you bite into something absolutely delicious.  And then you make that food face. [nggallery id=93]


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