Roxi Suger is the designer behind ANGelRoX, creating incredibly versatile, stylish, and environmentally friendly fashion designs. I first met Roxi when I was researching my book, and I make a point of visiting her regularly at the artisan markets, including St. Anthony’s Market, Crafts on Columbus, the Renegade Craft Fair, and other fine handmade market venues during the year.
Roxi has boundless energy and spirit, and she never fails to have a new and innovative design trick up her sleeve. Her clothing suits all body types and is made for stylish comfort. All of her pieces have more than one way to be worn, and some have 20+ different styles in just a single garment. Roxi provides fashion training videos on her site to show us how to play with her designs, and thank goodness for them!
I had the good fortune to visit Roxi’s ANGelRoX Studio at the Old American Can Factory in Gowanus, Brooklyn, and I was thrilled but not surprised to see that her creative work space reflects her design values and energy. Here are some images of highlights, details, and quiet corners of the ANGeLRoX Studio:
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Roxi working at her cutting table.
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Dressing room and dressmaker’s model.
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Lush curtains surround the tall, private dressing room.
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There is always time for joy in the studio!
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The ANGeLRoX Wrap with a million and one ways to be worn.
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Birdies on the door to Roxi’s business office.
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ANGeLRoX tops on a vintage rack.
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The ANGeLRoX logo is more spiritual than religious, signifying balance in our lives. Roxi tells me that we are all angels.
You can purchase ANGeLRoX designs online, and visit Roxi most Saturdays at the St. Anthony’s Market on Houston Street in Soho. Check the ANGeLRoX website for events.
#KarenSeiger #CuttingTable #Weareallangels #Soho #ANGeLRoXFashionDesigns #CraftsonColumbus #BrooklynArtisanMarkets #Spiritual #Wrap #EcoFashion #Gowanus #fashiontrainingvideos #DressmakersModel #BalanceinourLives #FashionDesign #RenegadeCraftFair #RoxiSuger #Allbodytypes #StAnthonysMarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #playwithdesigns #EnvironmentallyFriendlyfashiondesigns #StudioTour #stylishcomfort #OldAmericanCanFactory #VintageRack #HoustonStreet