Saeed Pourkay, Chef and Owner, A Taste of Persia (Photo courtesy of Saeed Pourkay)
Ever since my first taste of Saeed Pourkay’s Persian soups in the Union Square Holiday Market, I’ve been in love with the incredibly rich and mouthwatering flavors of everything he makes. I had eaten Persian food before, but Saeed is an extraordinary chef. Part of his talent is the fact that he is following his passion. He left the printing business several years ago to cook full time.
Luckily for me, Saeed’s walk-up counter, A Taste of Persia, is a block from my office. So I can have aash reshteh soup or fesenjan whenever I crave it, which is very frequently. I often meet Persians who come to see Saeed for a taste of home. One woman told me that Saeed’s food is better than her own mother’s!
Saeed needs our support to take his business to the next level. He is running a crowdfunding campaign to raise the fees for his stand in the Union Square Holiday Market and for the cost of ingredients for his wonderful hot soups throughout the season. Success in the holiday market will help him pursue his dream of opening a restaurant of his own next year. It’s a win-win proposition: business success for Saeed, delicious, hot soups in the holiday market for us!
Click here and contribute right away – the holidays are almost upon us, and booth fees are due!
Thank you! Karen