In case you missed it, here’s my Feature for the Holiday Markets on NY1 this weekend! (Note: You need to log into Time Warner Cable to see the full video.)
Many thanks to Kristen Shaughnessy and NY1 for supporting the Markets – and for shopping in them too!
And thank you to all the participating designers and market sellers:
Wallets: Vernakular Photo Design, Columbus Circle Holiday Market
Flasks: CityBitz, Union Square Holiday Market
Brooklyn Made Food Gifts: With Love from Brooklyn, Holiday Shops at Grand Central
Cosmetics Bags: Pamela Barsky, Union Square Holiday Market and Artists & Fleas at Chelsea Market
My Earrings: by Elements Jill Schwartz, Jingle A Holiday Pop Up in Chelsea Market My Dress: Nature vs. Future, Holiday Shops at Grand Central and Artists & Fleas at Chelsea Market
Shop from these and many more wonderful market sellers! The markets are open through the afternoon of Christmas Eve.
#KarenSeiger #elements #wallets #Solearts #dress #KristenShaughnessy #ChelseaMarket #GrandCentral #CosmeticsBags #TimewarnerCable #WithLoveFromBrooklyn #JillSchwartz #VernakularPhotoDesign #BrookynMadeFoodGifts #Television #Vernakular #UnionSquareHolidayMarket #holidaymarkets #ArtistsandFleas #HolidayShopsatGrandCentral #NaturevsFuture #UrbanSpace #Jingle #ColumbusCircleHolidayMarket #flasks #JingleaHolidayPopUp #NY1 #necklace #PhotoFlask #StreetLight #Greenflea #HolidayMarketsofNewyorkCity #PHotowallets #Video #PamelaBarsky #News