If the world ended today, I figured a) I might as well go strolling through a lovely market with James, and b) if I’m underneath a huge concrete archway tucked in a corner of Brooklyn, maybe all the fuss would simply pass us by. Fortunately, at least in my book, the world is still here. And happily, Brooklyn Craft Central’s Shop the Arch was a wonderful market in a groovy, airy, rain-proof location under the Manhattan Bridge.
I could tell you lots of stories of wonderful people we met, the beautiful birthday gifts we found for our sisters, and the delicious taco from Hermelinda Tacos that I had for lunch. However, this market was so visually unique, and the light was so remarkable, that I thought I’d just show you what it was like in this BKCC Shop the Arch Slide Show:
The talented artisans featured in this slideshow are, in order of appearance:
Astor Knot – Appliqued Totebags
Chop Shop – T-Shirt Designs
Metropolis Soaps – Soaps, Creams, and More
Annabuilt – Jewelry and Sculpture from Recycled Tins
Sourpus Pickles – Pickled Vegetables of All Kinds
The Chocolate Swirl – Mini-Cupcakes, Truffles, and Brownie Pops
McFlashpants – Jewelry Made from Vintage Cutlery
Rocks & Salt – Handmade Hats, Skirts, and Bags
Twitch & Whiskers – Jewelry Made from Vintage Obects Including Thimbles and Wooden Nickels
Grace Napoleon’s Folk Couture – Clothes Made from Clothes and Now Furniture Too
Lauren Blais Jewelry Design – Jewelry Design
Filomena DeMarco Jewelry – Jewelry Design
Vaya Bags – Messenger Bags and Accessories Made from Upcycled Bike Tire Tubes and Sails
#KarenSeiger #RocksandSalt #AstorKnot #ChopShop #SlideShow #DUMBO #SourpusPickles #FilomenaDeMarcoJewelry #GraceNapoleon #BrooklynCraftCentral #MarketsofNewYorkCity #McFlashpants #LaurenBlaisJewelryDesign #MetropolisSoaps #VayaBags #Annabuilt #MarketattheEndoftheWorld #ShoptheArch #FolkCouture #TwitchandWhiskers #TheChocolateSwirl