Mountain Sweet Berry Farm brings holiday greenery to Union Square
If you need wreaths and garlands (and who doesn’t neet wreaths and garlands?), go see if you can find them at your local farmers market! Every year, Mountain Sweet Berry Farm brings the most beautiful and festive greenery to the Union Square Greenmarket on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. And also, here’s a list of gift ideas from GrowNYC farmers!
We sure are getting some snow these days! Hopefully we’ll have some that’s beautiful and sticks, the kind where people can go sledding in Central Park and hopefully avoid the trees this year. But regardless of whether the precipitation is white and fluffy or wet and melty, it’s winter, and it’s the holidays, and we have gifts to buy! So dress for the weather, and visit these fabulous holiday markets going all all over town this weekend!
Weekend Holiday Market Picks
December 11 – 17. ID Pop Shop Holiday, Chelsea Market, 75 9th Avenue, Manhattan (Closed December 25th)
December 15 – 17. LIC Flea Spiked Mug Fest & Holiday Market, (Tickets Required) Ravel Hotel, 8-08 Queens Plaza South, Queens
December 16. Bread and Yoga Om Grown Holiday Market, 5000 Broadway, Suite A, Manhattan
December 16. La Marqueta Holiday Pop Up Market, 1590 Park Avenue at 115th Street, Manhattan
December 16. NYSoM Winter Wonderland in Harlem, Jackie Robinson Educational Complex, 1573 Madison Avenue, Manhattan
December 16. Ridgewood Market’s Winter Holiday Bazaar. Gottscheer Hall, 657 Fairview Avenue, Queens
December 16. Young & Able 4th Annual Holiday Pop Up, Arlo Soho, 231 Hudson Street, Manhattan
December 16. Shoestring Holiday Bizarre, 640 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn
December 16. Vegan Holiday Shop Up, Pine Box Rock Shop, 12 Grattan Street, Brooklyn
December 16 – 17. Calabar Imports Bed Stuy Holiday Market, 351 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn
December 16 – 17. Christmas in Little Italy, 109 Mulberry Street, Manhattan
December 16 – 17. FAD Market Holiday Edition, City Point, 445 Albee Square W, Brooklyn
December 16 – 17. FAD Market Artisanal Food Gift Market, The Invisible Dog Art Center, 51 Bergen Street, Brooklyn
December 16 – 17. Renegade Brooklyn Holiday Pop-Ups, Industry City, 274 36th Street, Brooklyn
December 16 – 17. SHWICK Food Porn Fest, 395 Johnson Avenue, Brooklyn
December 16 – 17. Holiday Handmade Cavalcade, Brooklyn Historical Society, 128 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn
December 16 – 17. Williamsburg Holiday Pop Up, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, North 8th & Havemeyer Street, Brooklyn
December 17. Astoria Holiday Market at Bohemian Hall, 29-19 24th Avenue, Astoria, Queens
December 17. Holiday Pop Up Shop, The Williamsburg Hotel. 96 Wythe Avenue, Brooklyn
December 17. Grand Holiday Bazaar, 100 West 77th Street, Manhattan
Click here for the FULL 2017 NYC Holiday Markets Guide, including all the grand holiday markets, plus the best flea and artisan markets in the city.
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#Holidayhandmadecavalcade #RidgewoodMarketWinterHolidayBazaar #LaMarquetaHolidayPopUpMarket #HolidayMarketsShopSmallShopHandmadeShoplocalGiveHandmadeGiftsMarketsNYCKarenSeiger #YoungandAble4thAnnualHolidayPopUp #SHWICKFoodPornFest #NYSoMWinterWonderlandinharlem #CalabarImportsBedStuyHolidayMrket #WilliamsburgHolidayPopUp #BreadandYogaOmGrownHolidayMarket #ChirstmasinLitleItaly #RenegadeBrooklynHolidayPopUp #ShoestringHolidayBIzarre #GreenmarketHolidayGreenery #MountainSweetBerryFarm #VeganHolidayShopUp #IDPopShopHoliday #LICFleaSpikedMugFestandHolidayMarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #FADMarketHOlidayEdition #FADMarketFoodGiftMarket #GrandHolidayBazaar #GreenmarketGiftList #AstoriaHolidaymarketatBohemianHall