I wait all year long for peach season. Peaches are my favorite non-tropical fruit, and this year’s crop is particularly juicy and sweet! Several times I’ve bought enough for a peach pie, but I’ve ended up eating them all fresh because they’ve been so tasty. But I do love peach pie, so I’ll probably get around to making one this week. There’s really nothing like peach pie for breakfast.
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Hester Street Fair: If you’re looking for a lovely place to stroll, shop and have delicious bite to eat with your friends, visit the Hester Street Fair. And it’s just a couple of blocks away from the Essex Street Market for food to take home with you! 11AM – 6PM, Corner of Hester and Essex Streets, Manhattan
Morningside Park Farmers Market: It’s a Tomato Extravaganza plus live music at this farm and food market. Pick up beautiful produce plus mouthwatering products like fresh chutney and Mortgage Apple Cake! 9AM – 5PM, Corner of 110th Street & Manhattan Avenue, Manhattan
Natural vs. Nature Summer Expo: Check out this event featuring all natural hair, skin and body care products, as well as handcrafted fashion and accessories. 1PM – 7PM, Holiday Inn, 440 West 57th Street, Manhattan
Queens Night Market: Check out this very cool, family friendly night market! So much great local food, plus craft artisans and life entertainment. 6PM – Midnight, New York Hall of Science, Flushing Meadows, Queens
Smorgasburg Queens: This latest food market endeavor from Smorgasburg and the Brooklyn Flea highlights the amazing melting pot that is Queens. Make sure you’re hungry when you go and sample “The World’s Fare.” 11AM – 6PM, 43-29 Crescent Street (Court Square), Long Island City, Queens
Vegan Shop Up: Popping up for the month of August, the Vegan Shop Up is filled with delicious vegan food, including the beloved Cinnamon Snail food truck! 12PM – 6PM, Pine Box Rock Shop, 12 Grattan Street, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, August 15 & 16, 2015
Bushwick Flea: This sweet market is in a great corner lot in the heart of Bushwick. Stop by for vintage vendors and live music! 10AM – 7PM, Corner of Wyckoff Avenue and Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn
Essex Street Market: Take some time to walk through this historic food market on the Lower East Side and enjoy baked goods, coffee, chocolate, and plenty of unique specialty food shops. Plus a barber. 8AM – 7PM Monday — Saturday, 10AM – 6PM Sunday, 120 Essex Street, Manhattan
Hell’s Kitchen Flea: It’s always a great day to go treasure hunting at this classic flea and antique market on Manhattan’s West Side! 9AM – 5PM, West 39th Street between 9th & 10th Avenues, Manhattan
ID Pop Shop: ID Pop Shop is a wonderful collection of many of New York’s top independent designers of fashion, accessories, body products and home decor. They are popping up in Chelsea Market daily through August 23rd. 10:30AM – 7:30PM, 75 9th Avenue, Manhattan
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Greenflea: This Sunday market has been a fixture of the Upper West Side for many years. It features fine vintage wares, as well as flea finds and a variety of handmade artisans. It takes place in the schoolyard near the 79th Street Greenmarket. 10AM – 5:30PM, 100 West 77th Street, Manhattan
Enjoy these lazy days of summer!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #peachseason #BushwichFlea #79thStreetGreenmarket #WeekendMarketPicksAugust15amp16 #MorningsideParkFarmersMarket #2015 #IDPopShop #FarmersMarket #VintageMarket #QueensNightMarket #CinnamonSnail #MarketsofNewYorkCity #EssexStreetMarket #HesterStreetFair #WorldsFare #ArtisanMarket #SmorgasburgQueens #FleaMarket #HellsKitchenFlea #Greenflea #VeganShopUp