I remember my first taste of Raaka Chocolate’s blueberry lavender bar. It was at the 2010 Columbus Circle Holiday Market. And it was amazing.
Raaka Virgin Chocolate is a Brooklyn based company that uses cocoa purchased through direct and fair agreements with individual producers in the Dominican Republic and Bolivia. This year, they aim to establish agreements with cocoa producing communities in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, which is a country near and dear to my heart. And then they make delicious chocolate bars.
They use a very low heat process rather than roasting the cocoa beans, and they blend and grind them with other organic and fair trade ingredients. As a result, their chocolates have a remarkable richness and spectrum of flavors. Their packaging is wonderful too and printed on recycled paper with soy inks. Their cacao husks are donated to Edible Schoolyard NYC for use in the after school gardening program at P.S. 216. Mouthwatering, pretty, virtuous and cradle-to-cradle – that’s Raaka Chocolates. Oh – and I didn’t even mention the antioxidants!
Find Raaka Chocolates this Saturday at SUPER!market for emerging designers, 268 Mulberry Street, 11AM – 7PM.
Market Picks!
Feels a little bit like winter again, doesn’t it? So I’m featuring indoor markets this weekend because market shoppers shall not be daunted!
Saturday Only, February 25, 2012
La Marqueta in East Harlem: I can’t tell you how it warms my heart to see this market coming back to life, thanks to the focus of the NYEDC and the exciting anchor tenant and incubator kitchen managers at Hotbread Kitchen
Saturday & Sunday, February 25 & 26
Antiques Garage: I love the Garage for its classic flea finds and nostalgic connection to the great antique markets in Chelsea in the ’80’s and ’90’s. Spend some time exploring both floors!
Artists & Fleas: In Williamsburg, Brooklyn, this indoor market is filled with incredibly talented artisans and some very groovy vintage kiosks. Stay tuned for their fantastic 3-month pop up shop in Chelsea Market starting March 1!
Brooklyn Flea: I’ve called the Brooklyn Flea’s home in One Hanson Place a cathedral for market lovers. While you’re shopping, don’t forget to look up. And then head into the old bank vault for lunch.
Independent Designers Pop Shop at Chelsea Market: It’s a two-fer! Fantastic designers of fashion and accessories at the ID Pop Shop across from Posman Books, and strolling through all the shops at Chelsea Market! Breathe in as you walk by the Lobster Place. It smells like summer at the beach.
Enjoy and stay warm! And don’t even bother with umbrellas. They’ll only get eaten.
#KarenSeiger #Haiti #SummerattheBeach #IndependentDesignersPopShop #EdibleSchoolyardNYC #ArtistsampFleas #LowHeatChocolateprocessing #EastHarlem #cradletocradle #soyinks #recycledpaper #blueberrylavenderbar #AntiquesGarage #IDPopShop #PS216 #emergingdesigners #268MulberryStreet #Brooklyn #PosmanBooks #IncubatorKitchen #LobsterPlace #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Williamsburg #ColumbusCircleHolidayMarket #HotbreadKitchen #Bolivia #AntiquesMarkets #Organic #DominicanRepublic #RaakaChocolate #FairTrade #OneHansonPlace #LaMarqueta #BrooklynFlea #SuperMarket #NYEDC