The illustration of my dream come true. (Image by Victor Kerlow for the New York Times Metropolitan Diary)
I had a dream come true this week. My mom used to call me up to read me stories in the New York Times’ Metropolitan Diary that had tickled her for one reason or another. Or she would clip the story out of the paper, which she read cover to cover every Sunday, and pop it in the mail for me. This week, my story of a small adventure was published in the Diary. I wish my mom could have seen it, but it makes me happy to know that she inspired me to submit it in the first place (with earthly credit to my friend Grace Napoleon, the incredible maker behind Folk Couture.)
It is mid-summer, and there are so many exciting market events going on throughout the boroughs this weekend. So I recommend that you stay in town, go explore new neighborhoods, eat delectable foods, and buy yourself a present or two. You deserve it.
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, July 12, 1014
Brooklyn Night Bazaar: I met the manager of this weekly event, and I learned that it is modeled after the wonderful night markets in Asia. It’s our premier night market, and the only one that happens every single Friday and Saturday. Go for the killer food and cool local vendors, and stay for the music. Fridays and Saturdays, 7PM – 1AM, 165 Banker Street, Brooklyn
Flea Marqueta: Learn how to make a macrame pot holder, just like we did in the 1970’s! This market is part artisan and part food, including possibly the best BBQ I’ve ever had. It is hosted by the Urban Garden Center, which provides community tables and a lovely, green environment under the LIRR tracks in East Harlem. 12PM – 7PM, 1640 Park Avenue, Manhattan
Ginormous Flea Market: Community members of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Harlem are bringing “gently used clothing, shoes, accessories, sporting equipment, electronics, housewares, cd’s & dvd’s, books, WASHED & DRIED bedding, jewelry, religious articles, etc.” There will also be food, games, including a dunking machine! 10 AM, 521 West 126th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam, Manhattan
Vegan Shop Up: Back for the month of July, the Vegan Shop up is an amazing place for anyone who is vegan or vegetarian, and anyone who just loves seriously delicious, healthy and innovative foods! 12PM – 6PM, Pine Box Rock Shop, 12 Grattan Street, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, July 12 & 13, 2014
Broadway Bites: If you see twinkly lights at Broadway and 33rd, you have come across this magical food bazaar in middle of bustling Midtown Manhattan. Stop for a snack, or meet your friends here for dinner and beers into the night from almost 30 amazing local food businesses. It is open 7 days a week, but only runs through August 1st. So don’t miss out! 11AM – 9PM, Greeley Square Park at the intersection of 33rd Street and Broadway. Manhattan
Brooklyn Pop Up Market: This is a market specifically designed for newly launched artisan businesses. That means that we can get to know some of the coolest designers and makers that are working their way up in the world of design innovation and entrepreneurship in the city. What an incredible opportunity for us! 11AM – 7PM, 1072 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn
ID Pop Shop: Luckily for us, ID Pop Shop has been extended for another week, through July 20th! If you love design, fashion and fun, you won’t want to miss this beautiful pop up, featuring some of New York’s finest independent designers of fashion, accessories and home goods. 10:30AM – 7:30PM, 75 9th Avenue, inside Chelsea Market, Manhattan
Smorgasburg Jr.at PS 321 Flea: The venerable flea market in the PS 321 Schoolyard is enjoying renewed energy since the Brooklyn Flea began managing it. And now they are launching a new section for the Flea’s signature quality food vendors, in addition to their already compelling collection of vintage and artisan vendors. It’s called Smorgasburg Jr., and I can’t wait for the neighbors to rediscover this treasure of a market right there on 7th Avenue. 10AM – 5PM, PS 321, 180 Seventh Avenue between 1st and 2nd Street, Brooklyn
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Forest Hills Greenmarket: The greenmarket in this Queens neighborhood boasts a wonderful mix of produce, baked goods, dairy, pickels and proteins. They also have regular a composting station and textile recycling. It’s in a beautiful part of the city, and well worth the trip of you are not already a regular from the neighborhood. 8AM – 3PM, South side of Queens Blvd at 70th Avenue, Queens
Gluten Free EatUP: Another incredibly exciting and innovative food market, the Gluten Free EatUP is holding is an idea whose time is long overdue. This event has been created for people who cannot tolerate gluten and those who are simply avoiding it for health or dietary reasons. But the real point is that it is filled with delicious food, loads of samples, and lots of happy, safe eaters. 1PM – 6PM, at Freddy’s Bar, 627 5th Avenue between 17th and 18th Street, Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #GinormousFleaMarket #July12142014 #PS321Flea #BroadwayBites #SmorgasburgJr #ChelseaMarket #Treasureofamarket #StMarysEpiscopalChurch #IDPopShop #adreamcometrue #UrbanGardenCenter #FarmersMarket #GlutenFreeEatUP #GraceNapoleon #Greenmarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Veganandvegetarianmarket #ArtisanMarket #BrooklynPopUpMarket #FleaMarket #FleaMarqueta #MetropolitanDiary #NewYorkTimes #WeekendMarketPicks #IllustratorVictorKerlow #ForestHillsGreenmarket #FolkCouture #VeganShopUp #BrooklynNightBazaar #Glutenfreemarket #BrooklynFlea #VictorKerlow #MyMom