Green Dress: found slide at the Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market
I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!
I recently went to the Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market, and I found a canister filled with old slides. There’s nothing quite so luminous as a slide, even when it’s just held up to the light. There were dozens of them to look at, and this one happened to be the first one I picked up. It was an overcast day, but there was a ray of sunlight coming through the clouds so that I could illuminate the face of this woman in a sparkly green dress. I wonder who she is? And I wonder if I can find that dress the next time I’m at the flea…
Weekend Market Picks:
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Artisan Market: This picturesque market features independent designers, craft artists, and fine artists every Saturday outside Fort Greene Park. It is located near the Saturday greenmarket, which makes for a perfect Saturday spent shopping for beautiful things you need in your life and buying delicious local produce. 9AM – 6PM, Fort Greene Park at Dekalb Avenue, Brooklyn
Test Kitchen at Hester Street Fair: It addition to its usual line-up of craft, vintage, and food vendors, Hester Street Fair is hosting its first annual “Test Kitchen” for “first-time creations, including first-time food vendors and established businesses and restaurants who want to pilot test a new item on their menu, new product, flavor, etc.” Be the first to know about the next cool trends! 11AM – 6PM, 25 Essex Street, Manhattan
Saturday & Sunday, July 8 & 9, 2017
Broadway Market Co.: Soho is slowly regaining its art mojo with the fabulous designer markets there. Broadway Market Co. by the Market NYC is filled with 50 vendors in a 10,000 square foot venue. Check it out for fashion, accessories, art, and even shaving supplies. Open Daily except Tuesday, weekdays Noon – 9PM, Saturday 11AM – 8:30PM, Sunday 11AM – 7PM, 483 Broadway at Broome Street, Manhattan
Dekalb Market Hall: Have you been here yet? I went on opening day, and it was filled with energy, amazing food, and loads of neighbors checking out all the sweet and savory options. There’s something for everyone here, I guarantee. It’s a great addition to the food hall scene. Sun – Wed 11AM – 9PM, Thur – Sat 11AM – 10PM, 455 Albee Square West, Brooklyn
Library Market #1: Hosted by the newly minted Kairos Market, the Sketchbook Project, and the Brooklyn Art Library, this market event will host 15 local artisans inside the library. It promises to be a lovely event throughout the weekend. 10AM – 6PM, 28 Frost Street, Brooklyn
PS 321 Flea Market: Located in the heart of Park Slope, this market brings together 30+ flea, vintage, and antiques vendors every Saturday and Sunday. Fees benefit the school, so stop by to see what treasures you can find. 9AM – 5PM, 180 7th Avenue, Brooklyn
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Full Moon Market: Calling all lovers of the mystical, paranormal, and magical! Come to the Full Moon Market to enjoy live music, food and tea, and shopping from a dozen local makers and designers of crystals, accessories, remedies, and more. 1PM – 6PM, Catland, 987 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn
Queens Craft Brigade: FIRST EVENT! There’s a new market in Astoria, and you don’t want to miss it! Around 20 Queens-based creative entrepreneurs will be joining to gether to sell food, baked goods, knitwear, jewelry, home decor, paper goods, leather products, and much more. Come support this promising new market! Noon – 5PM, 31-35 41st Street, Astoria, Queens
Shamanic and Indigenous Arts Market: If you are seeking art and artifacts from all over the world, this market may have what you are looking for. You will find clothing, ceremonial items, accessories, feathers, art, and much more. I’m pretty sure the artists themselves won’t be there, but everything is fair trade. And there will be vegetarian food vendors accepting venmo. Noon – 8PM, 107 Green Street, Brooklyn
VGN MKT: The Market Hotel is hosting an all-vegan market. Stop by for vegan food to eat then and there, packaged foods to take home for later, and different types of vegan body products. Noon – 5PM, 1140 Myrtle Avenue. 2nd floor, Brooklyn
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #QueensCraftBrigade #PS321FleaMarket #DekalbMarketHall #Kairosmarket #ephemera #ladyinthegreendress #SketchbookProject #BrooklynArtLibrary #TheMarketNYC #BroadwayMarketCo #FortGreenePark #July8amp92017 #MarketsofNewYorkCity #testKitchen #HesterStreetFair #SheamanicandIndigenousArtsMarket #VGNMKT #VeganMarket #ArtisanMarket #WeekendMarketPicks #HellsKitchenFlea #LibraryMarket1