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Weekend Market Picks – June 23 & 24, 2012: Happy Anniversary to Amy’s Bread!

Writer's picture: Karen SeigerKaren Seiger

Amy’s Bread became 20 years old this past week!  It warms my heart to celebrate this major milestone, which Baker, Entrpreneur and Author Amy Scherber and her team accomplished by following their passion, working incredibly hard, and making absolutely delicious breads, pastries, baked goods and sandwiches for New Yorkers and our visitors.  The number of Amy’s warm baguettes that James and I have eaten straight out of her ovens in Chelsea Market could circle the earth at least twice.

Every year, my birthday cake comes from Amy’s Bread – the perfect yellow cake with pink frosting.  I love it even more for breakfast the day after my birthday when the cake is still moist, and the frosting gets just a little crunchy.  Amy’s cherry and oat scones, Parisian breakfast, vegetarian white bean sandwich, grilled cheddar biscuit, chocolate twists and sticky buns are all divine.

Congratulations to Amy’s Bread!  May we enjoy many more years of your delicious and beautiful creations!

Saturday Only, June 23, 2012

Hester Street Fair:  The Hester Street Fair is having a bang-up year!  They have launched Hester Nights on Thursdays at the Eventi Plaza, and they’re opening up an exciting market in Hollywood, California.  And we can still enjoy the original artisan, flea, and food market every Saturday. (10AM – 6PM, Hester Street at Essex, Manhattan)

Smorgasburg:  Recently on The Chew, Chef Mario Batali called Smorgasburg “The single greatest thing I’ve ever seen gastronomically in New York City.”  ‘Nuff said.  Except for the part where today is the first day of SmorgasBar!  (11AM – 6PM, Williamsburg Waterfront between North 6th and North 7th St., at the East River, Brooklyn)

Saturday and Sunday, June 23 – 24, 2012

Fulton Stall Market: The Stall Market has a wonderful mix of prepared food venders, drinks and juices, fresh produce, fine artists, craft artisans and musicians.  They also do a great job serving two diverse groups of people, primarily the Seaport neighborhood residents and also the myriad tourists who visit this part of the city every weekend. (11AM – 5PM, South Street between Fulton and Beekman Streets, across from Pier 17, Manhattan)

Renegade Craft Fair:  This is the 8th Renegade event in Brooklyn, and each year the quality of handmade products is phenomenal. This year, they are in a new venue along the Williamsburg with over 300 artisans from New York and across the country.  (11AM – 7PM, Williamsburg Waterfront, Brooklyn)

St. Anthony’s Market: St. Anthony’s is a lovely market along the wide sidewalks of Houston Street.  Each week the vendors include jewelry makers, sellers of vintage and imported clothes, as well as local clothing designers, lookalike sunglasses, and much more.  It’s the perfect place to stroll after brunch in Soho.  (10AM – 8PM, West Houston Street between Thompson and MacDougal Streets, Manhattan)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Smith Street Funday Sunday:  Sponsored by the South Brooklyn Local Development Corporation, this annual street fair is filled with food vendors and local artisans.  Neighborhood businesses participate as well, expanding their shops out onto Smith Street.  Stinky Bklyn is sponsoring Stink Fest, which includes food, music and a cheese eating contest! (11AM – 6PM, Smith Street, Brooklyn)

Saturday is also the famous Coney Island Mermaid Parade, and Sunday is the New York Gay Pride Parade with Parade Marshall Cyndi Lauper!  Clearly, it’s going to be a great summer weekend!

#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #Baker #tourists #SmorgasBar #designers #cheese #Soho #EventiPlaza #California #ThompsonStreet #SmithStreetFundaySunday #warmbaguette #Drinks #womenownedbusiness #PreparedFood #GayPrideParade #BrooklynLocalDevelopmentCorporation #Visitors #WilliamsburgWaterfront #HesterNights #mermaid #JewelryMakers #pinkfrosting #Hollywood #MarketsNYC #Smorgasburg #chocolatetwists #20thAnniversary #StAnthonys #baguette #NewYorkVisitors #Chef #AmysBread #vegetarianwhitebeansandwich #brunch #cheeseEatingContest #StinkyBklyn #Artisan #Yellowcake #stickybuns #FreshBread #straightoutoftheoven #FreshProduce #Handmadeproducts #sunglasses #Brooklyn #MarioBatali #jewelry #baguettes #Market #Saturday #Food #juices #SaturdayJune232012 #CyndiLauper #Sandwich #NewYork #bakedgoods #Flea #Batali #SundayJune242012 #NewYorkCity #WestHoustonStreet #grilledcheddarbiscuit #FoodVendors #circletheearth #strollinsoho #RenegadeCraftFair #entrepreneur #Gastronomically #SmithStreet #SouthBrooklynLocalDevelopmentCorporation #StAnthonysMarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #Author #birthdaycake #Sunday #ConeyIsland #Williamsburg #FultonStallMarket #HesterStreetFair #MarketsofNewYork #Mermaindparadeball #StinkFest #importedclothes #sandwiches #breads #StinkyBrooklyn #localclothingdesigners #ArtisanMarket #lookalikesunglasses #cherryandoatscones #Parisianbreakfast #FleaMarket #NewYorkers #MacDougalStreet #pastries #Seaport #AmyScherber #8thAnnual #CraftArtisans #Musicians #Bakery #FIneArtists #HoustonStreet #TheChew #MermaidParade

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