Try all the cool flavors froM Brooklyn Floss at the 2015 Grub Street Food Festival on Sunday
This weekend is chock full of fantastic markets! That’s another reason why Fall is one of my favorite times of year. (Markets and sweaters are the two reasons, to be clear.) Don’t miss the annual Grub Street Festival on Sunday. Last year, I tried Brooklyn Floss, and they’re back again this year. Their fluffy clouds of cotton candy make everyone smile.
Weekend Market Picks!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Fall Crafts in Chelsea: The Etsy NY Street Team is hosting this wonderful handmade crafts fair in the heart of Chelsea. It is also a fundraiser for arts programming at PS 11. Very kid friendly! 10AM – 4PM, West 21st Street between 8th and 9th Avenues, Manhattan
Japan Block Fair: Celebrate Japanese culture and food at this sweet block party. If you have a kimono, this is your chance to wear it in public for real! 10AM – 5PM, Broadway between 93rd and 94th Street, Manhattan
Queens Night Market: Come to this venue for food, shopping and live music with your buddies. Go back for next week’s Homemade Cooking Contest! The categories will be Best Pumpkin Dish, Best Halal Food and Best Curry. You have a week to practice. 6PM – 12 AM, 90-02 168th Street, Queens
Saturday & Sunday, October 17 & 18, 2015
A Current Affair Pop Up Vintage Market Place: LA is in the house! This weekend, this premier West Coast vintage fashion event is popping up in Brooklyn, with fine collections of clothing and accessories from times when quality was paramount. (Tickets required.) 10AM – 6PM, Industry City, 220 36th Street, Brooklyn
Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasburg Indoors: The Flea and Smorgasburg are now officially indoors for the fall and winter seasons! Go visit on Opening Weekend to scope out the best flea finds and fabulous food. 10AM – 6PM, Industry City, 241 37th Street, Brooklyn
Broadway Bites: If you find yourself near Macy’s any day through November 13th, do stroll through this lovely food market. It offers a wonderful selection of delicious food for lunch, dinner or snacks. Meet up with friends after work for a nosh and a few beers. 11AM – 9PM, Open 7 days per week, Greeley Square, at 33rd and Broadway, Manhattan
El Barrio Youth Marqueta: This farmstand teaches business skills and knowledge of agriculture and nutrition to the participating students who run it. You can find produce from many of your favorite Greenmarket farmers there. It is hosted by the wonderful people at the Urban Garden Center in Harlem, who coincidentally, are hosting the El Boar-rio pig roast on Saturday (pig ready by 2PM). 12PM – 5PM, 1640 park Avenue at 116th Street, Manhattan
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Food Truck Rally: This is your final chance this year to catch your favorite food trucks all in Grand Army Plaza. Participating trucks will include DUB Pies, Kelvin Natural Slush Co, Carpe Donut NYC, Toum, Kimchi Taco Truck, Neapolitan Express, Coolhaus, The Taïm Mobile, Snowday, Red Hook Lobster Pound, Brooklyn Organic Coffee & Tea Truck, Papaya King, Nuchas II, Milk Truck, Phil’s Steaks, Ponti Roissi, Gorilla Cheese NYC, Andy’s Italian Ices, and Carl’s Steaks. They may not all be there, as the mix varies each weekend. But you’ll be fine. 11AM – 5PM, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn
Grub Street Food Festival: My favorite part of this fabulous annual food extravaganza is listening to the crowd. People talk with friends about something wonderful they just ate, and it’s the best way to find new and delicious things among over 75 food vendors there. The other best strategy is to just go and eat everything you see. 11AM – 5PM, Corner of Hester and Essex Streets, Manhattan
Morbid Anatomy Flea Market: I am so thrilled that word has gotten out about this truly unique market. It has been in the Bell House for a while now because the crowds were too big to fit in the museum venue. So get there early, and be prepared to be surprised by the creepy cool stuff you find. 11AM – 6PM, The Bell House, 149 7th Street, Brooklyn
Vendy Plaza: There are only a few Sundays left in the season before this wonderful market of food entrepreneurs closes on November 1. This venue is a fabulous place to try foods from both successful businesses and startups that will likely be next season’s super stars. This weekend is also Oktoberfest, with a 2-for-1 beer special! 12PM – 6PM, La Marqueta Plaza, 1590 Park Avenue, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #FoodMarket #MorbidAnatomyFleaMarket #QueensNightMarkt #JapanBlockFair #Vintage #2015 #VendyPlaza #FoodTruckRally #Smorgasburgindoors #Market #ElBarrioYourthMarket #ACurrentAffairPopUpVintageMarketPlace #BrooklynFloss #MarketsofNewYorkCity #GrubStreetFoodFestival2015 #WeekendMarketPicksOctober17amp18 #ArtisanMarket #FleaMarket #FallCraftsinChelsea2015 #BrooklynFlea