Last weekend was the grand opening of Shwick Market in Bushwick, Brooklyn. I will be posting photos shortly, but I thought I’d start by highlighting Got Cake, a sweet, delicious and innovative new food company founded by Shana Lawson.
Read all about making your own push pop with tiny cakes, lots of frostings and unlimited toppings here.
And keep your eye out for my latest segment on NY1 about life’s luxuries at the markets of NYC!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, October 25, 2014
PS 6 Fall Fair: This even features 100% handmade craft artisans. It is also a benefit for PS 6, a school that was founded in 1894. So we’re shopping for beautiful, handmade items for a very worthy cause. 11AM – 4PM, East 82nd Street between Park and Madison Avenues, Manhattan
3rd Annual East Harlem Harvest Festival: Hosted by the Urban Garden Center, this annual event is a great destination for incredible BBQ, local beers, good music and nice neighbors. You can also pick up your fruits and veggies at the GrowNYC Youth Market. 10AM – 6PM, Urban Garden Center, 1640 Park Avenue, Manhattan
De-LICious: NEW~ This food market is a new event where you can meet the “BEST of Long Island City’s Food Artisans.” There are 7 vendors, and I guarantee you will be delighted and amazed by every single one of them. Plan on hanging out and mingling for a while. 11AM – 4PM, The Local NYC, 1302 44th Avenue, Long Island City, Queens
Havermeyer Sugar Sweets Festival: Essentially a giant bake sale, the Sugar Sweets Festival is hosted by The City Reliquary Museum of Civic Organization. Nothing embodies civic organization more than a bake sale, at least on a certain scale. Amiright? If you love to cook, bring your own contribution! There will be a baking competition and an apron fashion show. You could win the award for Brooklyn’s Best Apron! 10AM – 5PM, The City Reliquary, 370 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn
Manhattan Vintage: This semi-annual event is the perfect place to find beautifully preserved and curated vintage clothing from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. I have a soft spot for the 1960’s, but maybe that’s because my mom was so groovy. Entry Fee. 11AM – 6PM, Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues, Manhattan
Saturday & Sunday, October 25 & 26, 2014
Fulton Stall Market and CiderFeAst: I am so thrilled to see the Fulton Stall Market reopening after what we thought was its last season, and in a new indoor venue! There is so much renewed energy in the Seaport, which was badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy. As part of the market celebration, Jimmy’s No. 43 is co-sponsoring CiderFeAst on Saturday, part of the city-wide Cider Week Celebration. The market is open to the public, and CiderFeAst is a ticketed event. Market: 11AM – 5PM, 7 days a week, 207a Front Street, Manhattan
LIC Flea: This the last weekend for the outdoor market before they move into their winter venue on November 1. To close out the season, the market is co-hosting Beers & Bites, with a beer garden and the outstanding LIC Flea food vendors. 10AM – 6PM, 10am – 6pm, 5-25 46th Avenue, Long Island City, Queens
Holiday Shops at Bryant Park: NEW! For those of you who are ready to jump headlong into the holiday season, this grand holiday market is now open! Imagine getting your holiday shopping done this weekend. It can be done! 10AM – 9PM Saturday, 10AM – 6PM Sundays, Bryant Park, between 40th and 42nd Streets & 5th and 6th Avenues, Manhattan
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Punk Rock Heavy Metal Flea Market: I have no idea what to expect from this event, as I just heard about it from the awesome people at the skint. But how can you possibly go wrong? The organizers are promising vinyl, clothing, jewelry, bookzines, punk rock photos and more. Good times. 12PM – 6PM, Sage Bar, 299 Graham Avenue, Brooklyn
Vendy Plaza at La Marqueta: Did you miss the Vendy Awards? Well, for the first time ever, all the Vendy finalists and winners will be together again every Sunday through November 23rd in the outdoor space at La Marqueta, East Harlem’s historic food market. There will also be live jazz and beer from Brooklyn Brewery. So come, eat and stay a while. 12PM – 6PM, La Marqueta, 1590 Park Avenue, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#Vendyfinalists #Bookzines #VendyAwards #PS6FallFair #HurricaneSandy #3rdAnnualEastHarlemHarvestFestival #EastHarlem #VendyPlazaandLaMarqueta #VendyWinners #GotCake #VendyPlaza #TheLocalNYC #BakeSale #GrowNYCYouthMarket #FoodVendors #CiderFeast #HavermeyerSugarSweetsBakeSale #DeLICious #HolidayShopsatBryantPark #ShwickMarket #FultonStallMarket #SageBar #LICFleaNewmarket #foodmarketfleamarket #WeekendMarketPicksOctober25amp262014 #ManhattanVintage #Seaport #JimmysNo43 #PunkRockHeavyMetalFleaMarket #BryantoPark #GrandHolidayMarket #PushPopCakes #LaMarqueta #SugarSweetsFesival #BeersampBites #TheCityReliquaryMuseumofCivicOrganization #HolidaySeason