Don’t miss the gorgeous watercolors by Artist Linda Cromer at the Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit
September 11 is always a tough day, especially so for New Yorkers. After 15 years, we may feel as though we need to have moved on. But to me, September 11, 2001 still feels like yesterday. I volunteer as a tour guide with the 9/11 Tribute Center to keep the memory alive of the people we lost that day, and the hope of a better tomorrow.
On the other hand, I remember that I had just discovered the unassuming greenmarkets that took place twice a week around the World Trade Center. I remember thinking what a contrast it was to see farmers selling their fresh corn, tomatoes, and plums in the shadow of those enormous buildings. I brought home a watermelon on the E train one time – so heavy, but so worth the effort. ♥
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Morningside Park Down To Earth Farmers Market: September is a great time to go to the farmers market. Summer delicacies, like tasty tomatoes and plump peaches, are still abundant, and you also start to see squashes and pumpkins! Down To Earth Markets have a great mix of fresh produce, prepared foods, and specialty products, making them a lovely place to shop for your weekly needs and also a few special treats for yourself or gifts for someone special. 9AM – 5PM, Corner of 110th and Manhattan Avenue, Manhattan
Saint George Greenmarket: Staten Island’s premier greenmarket, St. George’s takes place year round with a lovely collection of farmers, bakers, cheesemakers, and vendors of fish and poultry. Locals love it, and it’s a nice destination for anyone who wants to visit the island and enjoy the vew of the New York Harbor and Manhattan skyline. Compost your food scraps weekly here! 8AM – 2PM, St. Mark’s Place and Hyatt Street, Staten Island
Vegan Shop Up: First of Fall! If you’re a vegan, welcome to heaven! If you’re not vegan, welcome to a world of delicious and creative food options! Savories, sweets, snacks from 25+ talented food vendors! 12PM – 6PM, Pine Box Rock Shop, 12 Grattan Street, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, September 10 & 11, 2016
Brooklyn Bazaar: I am SO EXCITED to see this market open again! They are in a new venue, but the same cool market vendors, tasty food, and a killer musical lineup, as well as karaoke, a game arcade, and art! The market is open Friday & Saturday nights, and the other attractions are open different days and hours (check the website to plan your visit). 7PM – 2AM, 150 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn
Essex Market: Have you been to the Essex Street Market lately? It has served the diverse community on the Lower East Side since the 1940’s, and it continues to do so today. They’ve had a sprucing up recently with a beautiful new mural on the outside, and inside are several bakeries, two cheesemongers, seafood vendors, a butcher shop, and lots of prepared foods to taste along the way! 8AM – 7PM Monday – Saturday, 10AM – 6PM Sunday, 120 Essex Street, Manhattan
Hell’s Kitchen Flea + Fashion Haul: If you want to get a good look into New York’s closets, come to the HKFM Fashion Haul this weekend. They are featuring vintage fashion vendors among their collection of classic flea and antique treasures. 9AM – 5PM, 39th Street and 9th Avenue, Manhattan
LIC Flea + Flea Market Flip: So you want to be on TV? LIC Flea is hosting HGTV’s Flea Market Flip one last time for the season. (I was on it once!) If you don’t want to share your pretty face with the world, the flea is a great place to eat from dozens of international food vendors, shop handmade, vintage, and flea. and drink Queens beers in the tent-covered beer garden. Something for everyone! 11AM – 6PM, 5-25 46th Avenue, Long Island City, Queens
Mad. Sq. Eats: It’s back! I’m lucky that my office is just a few blocks from this seasonal pop-up food market! It is filled with delicious local foods, plus beer and twinkly lights! I love how this venue, with it’s beautiful Merimekko umbrellas, instantly becomes the place to be in the Flatiron for lunch, drinks after work, and hanging out with friends all weekend. 11AM – 9PM, Worth Square, 5th Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets, Manhattan
Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit: This venerable outdoor art market features an impressive array of fine artists and artisans for the second of two weekend events. Founded in 1931 by Jackson Pollock and Willem DeKooning, this event has attracted an international crowd for over 80 years. Take your time to stroll through all the booths, as there are some incredible treasures to be found. 12PM – 6PM, On the sidewalks of University Place from East 13th Street south to Waverly Place, Manhattan
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Grand Bazaar NYC Official Grand Opening: This market, a groovy mix of antique, vintage, flea, and handmade product vendors, opened quietly over the summer in the school yard that used to host the Greenflea. The new management is doing a great job creating a festive environment and lots of intriguing things to find. This weekend will feature amazing food vendors too. I heard a rumor that Fav’s Kitchen is going to be there with Cakies, their magical rainbow cake cookies. 10AM – 5:30PM, 77th Street and Columbus Avenue.
Vendy Plaza: I’m just surprised this market hasn’t been completely discovered by food lovers and foodie explorers. It needs to be because it’s an incubator for food innovators from around the world, like the Malaysian Project and Don Taco! So get there on Sunday, and prepare to eat a lot of fantastic foods. They have beer available too, and lots of music! And get your tickets to the incredible Vendy Street Food Vendor Awards today! 12PM – 6PM, Park Avenue between 115th and 116th Streets, under the Metro North tracks, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #Merimekkoumbrellas #BrooklynBazaar #VendyAwards #SaintGeorgeGreenmarket #essexmarket #LICFlea #VendyPlaza #StatenIsland #Cakies #MorningsideParkdowntoearthfarmersmarket #MadSqEats #MarketsofNewYorkCity #HGTV #GrandBazaarNYCGrandOPningltFav039sKitchen #WashingtonSquareOutdoorArtExhibit #WeekendMarketPicksSeptember10amp112016 #VeganShopUp #magicalrainbowsprinkle #FleaMarketFlip #HellsKitchenFleaFashionHaul