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Weekend Market Picks – August 25 & 26, 2012 + Cynthia Rybakoff Modern Vintage Jewelry

Writer's picture: Karen SeigerKaren Seiger

You want a dramatic look? Jewelry Designer Cynthia Rybakoff‘s stupendous Fortress of Solitude Necklace will give you drama. Named after Superman’s Arctic headquarters, this striking necklace features graduated rock crystals in a sterling silver setting. Cynthia’s designs are all quite wonderful. She works with mixed metals, crystals, beads and vintage elements. Her work has a strong nautical influence, as well as a serious streak of high fashion. She has created jewelry collections for Isaac Mizrahi, Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger, and you may have seen her work recently at Club Monaco stores nationwide.

“My first jewelry collection for Isaac Mizrahi was cobbled together with wood from lumber yards and house paint from hardware stores in 1987,” Cynthia says.

After her years in the corporate fashion world, Cynthia launched her current design studio in 2007. I am thrilled to report that she and her husband support themselves entirely through their design work. Cynthia reports that 90% of her sales come through the markets, further confirming my conviction that these venues provide immense opportunities for creative entrepreneurs. Check out Cynthia’s incredible fashion portfolio on Flickr.

See Cynthia’s work each weekend at Artists & Fleas, where she shares a spot with her husband and fellow artisan Matt Shapoff of Handmade on Peconic Bay. Cynthia’s will also set up shop at Artists & Fleas Fall Fashion Week at Chelsea Market September 4-9, and Artists & Fleas Fall/Holiday at Chelsea Market from September 19-December 31, 2012.

Weekend Market Picks! It is the last weekend of August, and the weather is gorgeous. So get out and enjoy these markets:

Saturday & Sunday, August 25 & 26, 2012

Artists & Fleas: Located in Williamsburg, Artists & Fleas always has a great collection of designer and vintage sellers. They also have some fabulous food sellers, so you can try delicious artisanal treats without waiting in line. 10AM – 7PM, 70 North 7th Street between Wythe & Kent, Brooklyn

Better Than Jam Handmade Governor’s Island Gift Shop: This pop-up on Governor’s Island, in cooperation with the Etsy New York Street Team, has just about a week left (it ends September 3rd). So make a day it. Take the free ferry to the island, visit the shop from the amazing local artisan collections, rent a bike, and participate in one of the many summer events. 10AM – 6PM, Governor’s Island, Officers’ Quarters a short walk from the ferry landing

The Market NYC: This market was one of the first of this new generation of markets to launch. It is in its relatively new location on Bleecker Street, a large, white, airy showcase for fine jewelry, accessory and fashion designers, as well as home decor, with vintage mid-century furniture on the lower floor. (If you find the Dr. Evil chair, post a picture of yourself on my Facebook page.) 12PM – 8PM Wednesday & Sunday, 12PM – 9PM Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 159 Bleecker Street, Manhattan

Union Square Freedom of Expression Art Market: This market has changed a lot over the past year. Today the it features mostly fine artists selling their paintings and photography. It is the largest non-managed market in the city, and the items sold must fall under the Freedom of Speech parameters. Keep in mind as you walk by the canvases that these fine artists are there because of our Constitution. I love that. Check out the large Greenmarket at the north end of the square too. West and South Sides of Union Square, Manhattan

Sunday, August 25 & 26, 2012

Carroll Gardens Greenmarket: This Sunday neighborhood market features a great list of Greenmarket vendors – 15 during peak season (that’s now). Go to Carroll Gardens for brunch; stay for the Greenmarket. 8AM-4PM, Carroll St and Smith St, Brooklyn

Enjoy rest of summer. I’m starting to look forward to the fall. You?

#Etsy #EtsyNewYorkStreetTeam #EtsyStreetTeam #ArtistsampFleas #SupermansArcticHeadquarters #highfashion #localtreats #CynthiaRybakoff #Nationwide #rockcrystals #ChelseaMarket #IsaacMizrahi #Constitution #MattShapoff #Superman #EtsyNewYork #HandmadeonPeconicBay #GrowNYC #RentBikes #foodsellers #BleeckerStreet #HomeDecor #HolidayMarket #Brooklyn #mixedmetals #accessorydesigners #RalphLauren #VintageMarket #TheMarketNYC #ArtMarket #UnionSquareFreedomofExpressionMarket #CarrollGardens #BetterThanJamHandmadeGovernorsIslandGiftShop #DrEvil #nautical #FreeFerry #graduatedcrystals #unionsquare #FortressofSolitudeNecklace #artisanalfoodtreats #Greenmarket #GovernorsIsland #vintageelements #Fall #artisancollections #Williamsburg #TommyHilfiger #FortessofSolitude #sterlingsilversettings #beads #DrEvilChair #GarrollGardensBrunch #Flickr #BetterThanJam #FleaMarket #PopUp #Manhattan #fashiondesigners #CreativeEntrepreneurs #ClubMonaco #DesignerMarket #MidCenturyModernfurniture


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