One of my favorite artisanal ice cream makers, Chozen, will be at Ice Cream Day. The scoop pictured is their luscious Ronne’s Rugelach, cinnamon ice cream with bits of tasty pastry mixed in. Their flavors are traditionally associated with Jewish foods (Chocolate Gelt, Matzoh Crunch, Coffee Talk), and their products are kosher-certified dairy. But you don’t have to be Jewish to fress on Chozen’s “Ice Cream with Chutzpah”!
Here are this weekend’s Market Picks!
Saturday Only, July 21, 2012
Abingdon Square Greenmarket: Such a sweet market around the outside of a lovely square in the heart of the West Village. And it’s actually a good sized market with 15 vendors during peak season. (8AM – 2PM, Hudson and West 12th Streets, Manhattan)
Boulevard Eats by Bed Stuy Food Markets: This new market in the Bed Stuy neighborhood launches this weekend with fresh produce, art and music. Looks like it’s going to be a great market, and it will run through October. (8AM – 3PM, Malcolm X Blvd. and Marion St. off Fulton, Brooklyn)
Smorgasburg: Smorgasburg is sponsoring Ice Cream Day, with 14 frozen treat makers, a bike powered ice cream churning demo, and a book signing from the author of Ice Cream: A Global History. Plus, a special ice cream float made with cocoa liqueur at Smorgasbar. Good times. (11AM – 6PM, East River Waterfront between North 6th and 7th St., Brooklyn)
Saturday & Sunday, July 21 & 22, 2012
Brooklyn Flea: The Flea continues to bring in exciting, eclectic, and interesting vendors to the market every weekend, including artisans, flea vendors, and local food purveyors. Go, Shop, Eat! (10AM – 5PM, Saturdays in Fort Greene at 176 Lafayette Ave. between Clermont and Vanderbilt Aves.; Sundays East River Waterfront between North 6th and 7th St., Brooklyn)
Independent Designer Pop Shop at Chelsea Market: Through Sunday only, shop directly from 19 designers fashion, accessories, handbags, jewelry and more in this pop-up inside Chelsea Market. (10:30AM – 7:30PM, inside Chelsea Market, 75 Ninth Avenue, Manhattan)
Pompeii Flea and Artisan Market: Time to remind you to stop and check out this lovely, small market along the sidewalk next to Our Lady of Pompeii on Bleecker Street. This market started as a way for Village artisans to show their love for New York after September 11th, and they’re still going strong. (10AM – 5PM, Bleecker Street between Carmine and Leroy Streets, Manhattan)
Have a wonderful weekend in the city! And wherever you are, have an ice cream cone to celebrate a mid-summer weekend with temps in the 80’s.
#USPostalService #KarenSeiger #LocalFoodPurveyors #BedfordStuyvesant #WestVillage #BoulevardEats #SmorgasBar #MarketsNYC #CoffeeTalk #North6thStreet #NYCMarkets #PeakSeason #CarmineStreet #BedStuyFoodMarkets #artisans #ChelseaMarket #BrooklynIceCream #Smorgasburg #Chozen #IceCreamDay #icecreamwithchutzpah #IDPopShop #BleeckerStreet #KosherIceCream #ChozenIceCream #MatzohCrunch #BikePoweredIceCreamChurn #FreshProduce #Brooklyn #ShopDirectlyfromDesigners #July2122 #LeroyStreet #KosherCertifiedDairy #2012 #North7thStreet #TastyTreats #NewYork #IndependentDesignerPopShop #EastRiverWaterfront #OurLadyofPompeii #Art #RonnesRugelach #Music #chutzpah #ChocolateGelt #Fress #Greenmarket #NYC #ArtisanalIceCream #FleaVendors #CocoaLiquer #NewYorkIceCream #MarketsofNewYorkCity #HeartoftheWestVillage #IceCreamMakers #Williamsburg #VillageArtisans #IceCreamFloat #GoShopEat #Jewish #IceCreamAGlobalHistory #AbingdonSquareGreenmarket #Manhattan #WeekendMarketPicks #MidSummerWeekend #PompeiiArtisanandFleaMarket #BrooklynFlea #LocalIceCream #IceCream #September11th