Mr. Wang’s Crazy Potatoes at Vendy Plaza (Photo courtesy of Vendy Plaza)
Last week I was down for the count with a miserable summer cold. I’m feeling much better now, and I am very excited about all the unique market events this weekend. Many of the GrowNYC Youth Markets are opening all over the city. We have handmade events, vintage and antiques markets, and even a textile market happening.
It’s also time to spread the love for Vendy Plaza. Run by the people who bring us the incredible Vendy Awards for the best street food vendors in the city, Vendy Plaza is an outdoor market in East Harlem, on the doorstep of La Marqueta, where emerging food entrepreneurs can test their recipes and make a name for themselves and their businesses. You will find foods from all around the world – Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, and plenty of BBQ. It’s quite wonderful to spend time there, sharing foods and kicking back with your friends over cold beers, and enjoying live music.
Vendy Plaza is free and open to the public every Sunday on Park Avenue between 115th & 116th Streets. Check it out this weekend!
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Goldmine Handmade & Vintage & Thrift Shopping Party: Shop for awesome fashions, vintage costumes, hats, jewelry and more, from the Victorian to the nostalgic and funky. Over 20 confirmed vendors, plus Tarot card readings and a rooftop runway. 1PM – 6PM, Gemini & Scorpio Loft, Douglass Street, Brooklyn
Hester Street Fair Textile Day: This downtown market will feature textile artists selling their designs, screenprinting and tagging tees, and giving demonstrations. If you are a tactile or textile person, this special market event will be blissful for you. 11AM – 6PM, Essex Street & Hester Street, Manhattan
Sunset Park Greenmarket: Opening Day! This market has been serving the neighborhood for 15 years. The famers gear their produce towards the large hispanic and Asian neighbors, so it is a great place to get specialty ingredients, fresh and local. 8AM – 3PM, 4th Avenue between 59th & 60th Streets, Brooklyn
Witchsfest USA Pagan Street Fair: The 5th Annual WitchsFest features Pagan theology teachings and discussions, as well as a vendors of “Pagan, Witchy, New Age, Gothic, Steampunk oriented” objects. Good times! 10AM – 4PM, Astor Place, Manhattan
Saturday & Sunday, July 9 & 10, 2016
Bulletin Market & Hangry Garden: Bulletin is an organization that takes “vacant commercial space and fills it with the most talented emerging designers.” They will be hosting a pop-up each weekend through September with some amazing designers and food vendors. 11AM – 7PM, Driggs & N. 8, Brooklyn
PS 321 Park Slope Flea: This flea and vintage market has long been a staple of the Park Slope neighborhood. Stop by for vintage and antique shopping, as well as local craft artisans. It’s a great way to enjoy the weekend and meet your neighbors. 11AM – 5PM, 180 7th Avenue, Brooklyn
Youth Markets: It’s a big weekend for Youth Market Grand Openings all over the city! From the tip of Manhattan to the Rockaways, Ridgewood and the Bronx, the GrowNYC Youth Markets are staffed by students who learn about produce, nutrition, and commerce. They bring fresh, local fruits and vegetables to underserved communities. Go the GrowNYC site and click on the orange “Y” for Youth Markets to find one near you.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Grand Bazaar NYC: This market soft-launched last weekend in the former Greenflea space. I am happy to spread the word about the new vendors there, as well as your favorite vintage and flea vendors from before. Check it out and bring your friends. 10:30AM – 5:30PM, 100 West 77th Street at Columbus Avenue, Manhattan
10th Annual Bay Ridge Arab American Bazaar and Eid Celebration: Family event with food and handmade artisan vendors, plus music from across the Arab world, and kid-friendly activities. 12PM – 7PM, Shore Road Park, Brooklyn
Vendy Plaza: If you love street food and food trucks, you will love this market. Meet some of the most talented and enthusiastic food entrepreneurs in the city, plus live music, kitchen demos, and a beer garden. 12PM – 6PM, Park Avenue between 115th & 116th Streets, below the Metro North tracks, Manhattan
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City
#KarenSeiger #MrWangsCrazyPotatoes #FoodMarket #VendyAwards #BulletinMarketampHangryGarden #AntiquesMarket #TextileDay #YouthMarket #10thAnnualBayRidgeArabAmericanBazaarandEidcelebration #WitchsfestUSAPaganStreetFair #GrandBazaarNYC #VendyPlaza #GoldmineHandmadeampVintageampThriftShoppingParty #FarmersMarket #VintageMarket #PS321ParkSlopeFleaMarket #Greenmarket #WeekendMarketPicksJuly9amp102016 #MarketsofNewYorkCity #HesterStreetFair #StreetFoodVendors #ArtisanMarket #youthMarkets #FleaMarket #SunsetParkGreenmarket