It has been a big week for marriage equality and civil rights in our country. I am thrilled with the ongoing progress we are making as a civil society, and I am almost smug about my timing, having scheduled to feature this particular designer for this Weekend’s Market Picks!
Jenowade drew me to his table at the Pompeii Artisan and Flea Market recently with his striking brass jewelry designs for men and women, the compelling messages stamped on each piece and his fantastic hair (see image below). He was deep in conversation with a long-time client (see image below) about how good energy begets good energy, and I joined right in by agreeing fully. It was an inspiring discussion to be having on a hot day on a crowded New York City sidewalk. One of those only-in-New-York moments.
Jenowade’s messages of tolerance, equality, hope and sexy fun are splashed across brass pendants and stamped in different colored inks. His “No Hate / No H8” pendants were flying off the table, as I am sure they will be this weekend, along with all his other pieces. So get yourself down to Bleecker Street between Carmine & Leroy between 11AM – 6PM to make sure you pick up a one-of-a-kind, handmade design to commemorate this important time in history. And for Gay Pride Day too, of course. (Cher?!!!)
Weekend Market Picks
Saturday & Sunday, June 29 & 30, 2013
St. Anthony’s Market: If you’re going to be out in the streets this weekend, walk along Houston Street to St. Anthony’s. Stop and have a good browse through handmade products, vintage, fair trade and more. Keep walking a few blocks further east to Mulberry St. for two more designer events, Nolita Market and Real Designer Market. 10AM – 7PM, Houston Street at Sullivan Street, Manhattan
Etsy NY Governor’s Island Gift Shop: The Etsy New York Street Team (formerly known as the NewNew NY) is having a summer-long handmade gift shop in an historic home on Governor’s Island for another season, every Saturdays and Sunday through September 29th. Take the free ferry across the New York Harbor to enjoy the views and events, and shop from some of our finest local artisans. The pop up is hosted and managed by Better Than Jam, a wonderful, inspiring and eclectic artisan shop and studio in Bushwick .10AM – 6PM, Nolan Park, Governor’s Island
Hester Street Fair: Summertime on the Lower East Side means strolling through the Hester Street Fair. They’re always putting on fun and unusual events, not to mention their quality collection of artisan, vintage and food vendors. The market is Saturday, and Sunday is a neighborhood Yard Sale. Hester’s also got it going on at Hester Nights every Thursday, and their food vendors are serving up fantastic treats at the HBO Bryant Park Summer Film Festival! 10AM – 6PM, Seward Park, Hester Street and Essex Street, Manhattan
LIC Flea & Food Market: LIC Flea & Food has had some blockbuster weekends since they launched June 15. Early days are key, so let’s show our support for this amazing gathering of vintage, artisan and food vendors. James visited Long Island City last weekend, and it’s my first stop on Saturday! 10AM – 6PM, 46th Avenue and 5th Street, Queens
Sunday, June 30, 2013
East Harlem Stop and Swap: Sponsored by GrowNYC’s Office of Recycling Outreach and Education, this season’s series of swap meets starts this weekend in Harlem. Bring clean clothing, household goods, toys, small working appliances, and any other things that are in good condition but you no longer need. Swap them for someone else’s stuff, and everyone’s happy, especially because your stuff and theirs stays out of the landfill for another day. All FREE, no furniture. 12PM-3PM, La Placita at La Marqueta, 116th St & Park Ave., Manhattan
Forest Hills Greenmarket: Up in Forrest Hills, this Sunday Greenmarket features a sumptuous collection of growers, bakers, fish, dairy and more. It’s a goodsize market, with 17 vendors. The market is going to be especially awesome this weekend because there is a demo on how to prepare fish tacos, which rank among my very favorite foods, from locally produced ingredients (demo at 11AM). 8AM – 3PM, South side of Queens Blvd at 70th Avenue, Queens
The Free Marketplace: This artisan, music and family fun market is back for its second event on Sunday. In addition to local artisans, they have three bands lined up, plus storytelling, yoga, creative movement, art, crafts, food prep and more for kids. 11AM – 5PM, Sanders Studio Lot, 525 Waverly Avenue at Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn
I also want to give a shout out to the Harlem Arts Festival this weekend (Saturday and Sunday). It looks like an amazing performing and visual arts lineup!
~Karen Seiger, Markets of New York City

Jewelry Designer Jenowade at the Pompeii Market on Bleecker Street

One-of-a-Kind Sharp Dude Necklace, Handmade by Jenowade

No Hate / No H8 Necklace by Jenowade modeled by a lovely customer and friend

No Hate Necklace Handmade by Jenowade

You’re Sexy and You Know It – Handmade Slider Necklace by Jenowade
#EssexStreet #KarenSeiger #Etsy #SullivanStreet #foodprep #Landfill #oneofakinddesign #Inspiration #womensjewelry #EastHarlem #CarmineStreet #2013 #LICFleaampFood #HesterNights #LICMarket #Harlem #NoHate #GrowNYC #OnlyInNewYork #GayPride #EtsyNY #BleeckerStreet #NolitaMarket #June29amp30 #Handmadeproducts #Queens #BrassJewelry #Brooklyn #RealDesignerMarket #LICFlea #LeroyStreet #Jenowade #Food #localingredients #VintageMarket #NewYork #ForestHills #locallyproduced #OfficeofRecyclingOutreachandEducation #FreeFerry #Equality #Greenmarket #GovernorsIsland #GiftShop #NYC #GayPrideDay #ingredients #StAnthonysMarket #MarketsofNewYorkCity #LongIslandCity #Cher #HesterStreetFair #FishTacos #TheNewNew #familyfun #Dairy #Hesterstreet #localarisans #YardSale #SwapMeet #ArtisanMarket #MulberryStreet #storytellingcreativemovement #BetterThanJam #FleaMarket #HBOBryantParkSummerFilmFestival #TheFreeMarketplace #ArtisanMarketFoodVendors #StopampSwap #Manhattan #NoH8 #WeekendMarketPicks #HBO #FairTrade #PompeiiArtisanandFleaMarket #NY #LaMarqueta #HarlemArtsFestival #Bushwick #CivilRights #MarriageEquality #handmadeGiftShop #MensJewelry #sexyfun