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  • Writer's pictureKaren Seiger

Weekend Market Picks May 18 & 19, 2013: Eggplant Parm from Sunday Gravy

Sunday Gravy Eggplant Parm

I don’t care if “bikini season is right around the corner.” When there’s incredible eggplant parm involved, nothing else matters. Do you understand what I’m saying?

Sunday Gravy makes slow simmered meat sauce that transports you directly back to Old Italy of 100 years ago. This pasta sauce is so rich that your stomach is begging you to stop while your mouth just can’t do that. I also love seeing the sauce simmering in their gigantic, red enamel pot at the markets.

Sunday Gravy’s meat sauce over pasta is an amazing treat. I have a particular soft spot for eggplant parmigiana, and combined with this sauce, it’s irresistible. Luckily for us, Sunday Gravy is at Smorgasburg food market every weekend and also 7 days a week at Mad. Sq. Eats through May. Stop by for a nosh — and make sure you’re hungry when you do!

Weekend Market Picks

Saturday, May 18, 2013

20th Annual BBC Village Crafts Fair: It’s not a British Broadcasting thing. In this case, BBC stands for Bedford, Barrow and Commerce Street Block Association. These three lovely streets will be filled with fine crafts and art, as well as food and music. Lots to enjoy! 11AM – 6PM, Bedford, Barrow and Commerce Streets, Manhattan

Abingdon Square Greenmarket: My old stomping grounds in the West Village! This wonderful neighborhood market is welcoming a new preserves maker, Josephine’s Feast, selling for the very first time in a Greenmarket! 8AM – 2PM, Hudson and West 12th Sts., Manhattan

Saturday & Sunday, May 18 & 19, 2013

9th Avenue International Food Festival: This huge, two day festival is now in its 40th year. Literally 15 blocks of Midtown Manhattan are given over to food from around the world and local craft artisans. I appreciate the fact that many of the restaurants in this vibrant neighborhood participate in the festival by extending onto the avenue for the weekend. 12Noon – 5PM, 9th Ave. between 42nd and 57th Sts., Manhattan

Albee Square Farmers Market: This is a new market from the Bensidoun Group, who run most of the brilliant farmers markets in Paris, as well as several near Chicago and upstate New York. The Albee Square Market takes place every Thursday and Saturday through the season. 11AM – 5PM, Corner of Fulton and Bond Sts., Brooklyn

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Astoria Market: The Astoria Market is back for its second outdoor event in the Bohemian Hall Beer Garden. Looks like it’s going to be a lovely day to shop for handmade craft pieces from local designers, sip a cold beer, and enjoy the afternoon. 1PM – 6PM, Bohemian Hall, 29-19 24th Ave., Astoria, Queens

Bleecker Street Craft Fair: This outdoor craft market is the annual fundraiser for the Greenwich Village Youth Council, taking place on 5 blocks of Bleecker St. in the West Village. Go for the kids. Stay for the awesome shopping! 11AM – 7PM, on Bleecker between Bank and Christopher Sts., Manhattan

Fabulous 5th Avenue: Another great annual street fair, Fabulous 5th always has a great Brooklyn neighborhood feel. It is definitely a family affair, with music, food, activities, and a wonderful array of craft artisans. 12PM – 5PM, 12 Street to Sterling Place on Fifth Ave., Brooklyn

SHOUT OUT: Also on Sunday is the 3rd Annual Coney Island Strongman Spectacular! Meet the stars of the new documentary Bending Steel and watch my friend Steve “The Crusher” Weiner set some insane strength records.

#KarenSeiger #UpstateNewYork #FoodMarket #BohemianHall #May18amp19 #RedEnamelpot #NYCMarkets #JosephinesFeast #ScottAdams #MadisonSquareEats #2013 #Dilbert #TheCrusher #Smorgasburg #neighborhood #BensidounGroup #PreservesMaker #SundayGravy #BBCVillageCraftsFair #NewYorkMarkets #Paris #9thAvenueInternationalFoodFestival #Slowsimmeredmeatsauce #foodfestival #AbingdonSquare #Queens #Brooklyn #AstoriaMarket #Family #Chicago #FarmersMarket #Food #OldTImeStrongmanSpectacular #BedfordBarrowCommerce #MadSqEats #strongmanspectacular #restaurants #Music #BloacAssociation #AlbeeSquareFarmersMarket #Greenmarket #arts #BeerGarden #MarketsofNewYorkCity #preserves #ConeyIsland #Parisfarmersmarkets #MarketsofNewYork #Fabulous5thAvenueStreetFair #finecrafts #pastasauce #ArtisanMarket #BBC #SteveWeiner #AbingdonSquareGreenmarket #Manhattan #BendingSteel #Fabulous5th #CraftArtisans #AlbeeSquare #Astoria



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