The Union Square Greenmarket is filled with flowers and trees for the city’s gardens, balconies and window boxes. I Loads of people were out today, carefully selecting their annuals from the sunny and bright offerings of Van Houten Farms. Maybe some day I’ll have a spot in the sun for my own hot pink and pale yellow azaleas, but until then, I’ll just enjoy them at the market!
Weekend Market Picks:
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Etsy New York Spring Handmade Cavalcade: This association of New York area handmade artisans is hosting a market with over 30 outstanding creative companies represented. Every Handmade Cavalcade is fun and inspiring, and this one will be too! 10AM – 5PM, Villain LLC /The Space, 50 N 3rd St, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Prospect Park Craft Fair: A fundraiser for arts and enrichment activities at PS 154, a local elementary school, this fair is huge – with over 50 amazing local artisans participating! Shop for mom and keep art in the school! 10AM – 5PM, Prospect Park at 15th Street and Prospect Park West, Brooklyn
Saturday & Sunday, May 4 & 5, 2013
Crafts on Columbus: It’s the second of three weekends for this outdoor craft fair. Stroll through the tents under the trees. On Sunday, make sure you cross the avenue and visit the Greenflea and West 79th St. Greenmarket. 10AM – 6PM, Columbus Ave. between 77th & 81st Sts., Manhattan
Mad. Sq. Eats: Enjoy the weather outside by dining- and drinking – al fresco at Madison Square Eats. It opened this week and runs through the end of May with a fantastic line up of food vendors. It feels bigger than ever this year, but maybe it’s must me. 11AM – 9PM, triangle between 5th & Broadway and 24th & 25th St., Manhattan
SoHa Square Flea Market: Only a couple of weeks old, this brand new market aims to become South Harlem’s ” Friendly Neighborhood Market Place.” They also just launched a Thursday Farmers Market! 10AM – 6PM, 2171 Frederick Douglass Blvd., Manhattan
Springle Pop Up in Chelsea Market: Brought to us by the people behind the Jingle Holiday Market, Springle is back for another cheery weekend in Chelsea Market. 21 lovely boutiques are filled with creative products, with tons of inspiring ideas for Mother’s Day! 10:30 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday, and 10:30AM – 5PM Sunday, Chelsea Market, 75 9th Ave., Manhattan
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Chelsea Bazaar: Celebrate 5 de Mayo at Chelsea Bazaar! In addition to local craft artisans and food vendors (burritos!), this event includes the Prize Wheel and a Holistic Expo. 11AM – 5PM, 135 W. 18th St., Manhattan
Queens County Market Food & Brew: Join local food vendors from Queens and further afield in NYC for artisanal bit and brews at Food & Brew! 1PM – 5PM, Singlecut Beersmiths, 19-33 37th Street, Astoria, Queens
Spring doesn’t last long enough, so go out this weekend and soak it all in!
#KarenSeiger #SinglecutBeersmiths #Etsy #CraftsonColumbus #ProspectPark #MadisonSquareEats #2013 #alfresco #balconies #EtsyNewYork #eat #SpringFlowers #HandmadeCavalcade #annuals #CraftMarket #SoHaSquareFleaMarket #Queens #Brooklyn #Streetteam #drink #ProspectParkCraftFair #FarmersMarket #NewYork #QueensCountymarket #MadSqEats #NeighborhoodMarketPlace #NewYorkCity #PS154 #Greenmarket #windowboxes #citygardens #VanHoutenFarms #Williamsburg #MarketsofNewYork #Beer #ArtisanMarket #UnionSquareGreenmarket #VillainLLC #SouthHarlem #FleaMarket #FoodampBrew #May4amp5 #West79thStGreenmarket #Manhattan #WeekendMarketPicks #Greenflea #Astoria