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  • Writer's pictureKaren Seiger

Weekend Market Picks, September 29 & 30, 2012 + Luv U Me Organic Perfumes & Scrubs

I remember how I cried when the bottom dropped off the box holding my new bottle of Takashimaya perfume that James had given me for Christmas, and how my closet smelled so wonderful for several weeks afterwards, as the perfume lingered. I also remember the replacement bottle that arrived from Takashimaya a few days later, swathed in gold tissue paper with multiple adhesive stickers on the box to make sure it stayed attached to the top cover, not to mention lovely handwritten letter of apology and the assurance that it was a packaging omission that would be addressed immediately.

On opening day of the new UrbanSpace Meatpacking Market, I was enjoying strolling on the new wooden planks and browsing through all the fine foods and crafts. And then I caught a perfumed breeze. I followed it until I arrived at the corner booth that is home to Luv U Me, makers of organic beauty products.

Luv U Me is a family owned business that features perfumes, salt and sugar scrubs, incense and perfume bottles. Owner and perfumer Laura Chizzali comes from a line of Noses. Her parents have been creating perfumes for decades, and Laura clearly inherited the gift. Her booth at the market features over 100 scents displayed as a “Perfumer’s Organ.” (I always thought that was a fancy term for one’s nose, but it is an actual work table where a perfumer weighs and blends the scents.) Her products are organic and pesticide free, and she uses recycled materials in her packaging and displays.

Many of Laura’s creations have evocative names, like “Brazilian Lover,” “Gypsy Fire,” “Hot Love” and “Black Widow.” I’m here to tell you that they really do smell like their names! She has many classic scents too, such as bergamot, cucumber, sandalwood and heliotrope. I had a fantastic time smelling countless scents and blending them up and down my arms. I ended up smelling like an earth fairy, with a vial of Cedarwood perfume oil in my pocket. I’ll be going back to try the Fig, as it feels like it would be a good scent for the new season.

Stop by and spend some time with Laura and Luv U Me at the Meatpacking Market. She’ll wash your hands with one of her amazingly moisturizing scrubs and take you on a wonderful olfactory tour of her beautiful perfumes.

Rain or shine, here are my Weekend Market Picks!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hester Street Fair & Grand Street CSA Smackdown: Hester Street is open with their usual and awesome artisanal food market and craft market. On Saturday, they are hosting the Grand Street CSA Smackdown, essentially an exciting cooking contest using seasonal ingredients. Prizes will be won! Eat, shop and be entertained at the Hester Street Fair! 10AM – 6PM, Hester St. at Essex Street, Manhattan

London Terrace Tenants Association Street Fair: It’s here again – my favorite yard sale/flea market. You know how you’d love to go through other people’s stuff and find all the treasures? Well that’s what this street market feels like. Lots of cool things that people just want to get rid of (shoes, hats, clothing, toys, martini sets), as well as antiques and craft vendors. There’s some food to nosh on too. If you see something, BUY IT. I learned the hard way that it won’t be there when you go back for it. (Oh, those Frye boots that got away…) 10AM – 5PM, 24th St. between 9th & 10th Avenue, Manhattan

Jersey City’s “All About Downtown” Street Festival: I’ve had a soft spot for Jersey City ever since my office was moved there for a year or so after 9/11. And I have a soft spot for all historic districts. So here’s to their Downtown Special Improvement District’s Second Annual “All About Downtown” Street Festival! Music, food, and amazing crafters, including the Jersey City Craft Mafia. Bring the kids! 11AM – 10PM, Newark Ave. between Grove St. & Jersey Avenue, Jersey City, NJ

P.S. 175 Flea Market: This city school launches the first of three flea markets in their schoolyard to raise funds for educational activities. Check it out and support our students! 9AM – 4PM, 135th St. between 7th & Lennox, Manhattan

Saturday & Sunday, September 29 & 30, 2012

Better Than Jam Pop Up on Governor’s Island: This is the final weekend of this sweet pop-up shop on Governor’s Island. It’s been running all season and features the work of many fine, local crafters. Rent a bike, have a picnic, and shop for delightful handmade products. Heck – finish your holiday shopping before October even gets underway! 11AM – 6PM, Historical Home on Governor’s Island

Bust Magazine Craftacular at the World Maker Faire: Catch many of your very favorite craft artisans this weekend at the World Maker Faire! You have to purchase a ticket for the faire, but it’s so worth it just to see the all the incredible creativity, make stuff with your own hands and hang out with a lot of cool and enthusiastic people! I like to think of it as a mini Burning Man in Queens. Am I right? 10AM – 6PM Sat. & Sun., New York Hall of Science, 4701 111th St., Corona, Queens

Dekalb Market: Sadly, the Dekalb Market is closing after this weekend, at least for the rest of the year until they find a new location for this incredibly innovative Brooklyn market made from recycled shipping containers. Stop by and celebrate what was and what will be, hopefully sooner than later! The market is open all weekend, and they’re throwing a farewell party on Sunday from 3PM – 9PM.  138 Willoughby St. at Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

The Atlantic Antic: This is the 38th year for this mile-long street fair on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. It is often hailed as the gold standard for street fairs, as it incorporates the local stores into the event. It also features our diverse and talented handmade craft artisans, and loads of food from the local restaurants, food entrepreneurs, and your standard street fair sellers. Plus lots of music! Wear your walking shoes and have a good time rain or shine! 12 PM – 6PM, Atlantic Avenue from Hicks St. to 4th Avenue, Brooklyn

#ElementarySchool #KarenSeiger #LongLineofNoses #LuvUme #FoodMarket #PoloPerfume #OrganicBeautyProducts #pesticidefree #Cedarperfume #MarketsNYC #LTTA #AtlanticAntic #finefoods #LondonTerraceStreetFair #NYCMarkets #recycledshippingcontainers #localstores #educationalactivities #goldstandard #GypsyFire #MeatpackingMarket #Gift #MarketinBrooklyn #Corona #HotLove #Cedar #cedarwoodperfumes #Takashimaya #FryeBoots #LondonTerraceTenantsAssociation #PerfumersOrgan #BUSTCraftacular #earthfairy #FarewellParty #PS175 #handmadecraftartisans #Treasures #MarketsinBrooklyn #LauraChizzali #NJ #NewYorkMarkets #SaltScrub #fundsforeducation #StreetFair #FinalWeekend #Queens #Brooklyn #WorldMakerFaireNewYork #GrandStCSASmackdown #38thAnnual #2012 #Craftacular #CraftPopUp #NewYork #Meatpacking #cedarwood #CraftMarketinbrooklyn #Scents #Noses #BrazilianLover #NewYorkCity #Mom #perfume #craftvendors #WorldMakerFaire #moisturizingscrub #heliotrope #Dad #JerseyCityCraftMafia #GovernorsIsland #sandalwood #GrandStreet #JerseyCity #DekalbMarket #Urbanspace #MeatpackingDistrict #GourmetClub #RecycledDisplays #Perfumer #MarketinQueens #NYC #FigPerfume #BurningManinQueens #MarketsofNewYorkCity #UrbanSpace #recycled #Gino #Antiques #HesterStreetFair #MarketsofNewYork #perfumes #NewJersey #September29amp30 #ShippingContainerMarket #YardSale #bergamot #Organic #BetterThanJamPopUp #ArtisanMarket #SugarScrub #BrooklynMarkets #Blends #BetterThanJam #FleaMarket #PopUp #MarketsinQueens #LondonTerrace #Marketsinmanhattan #Manhattan #HicksStreet #OrganicBeauty #WeekendMarketPicks #Loveyoume #OTherPeoplesstuff #Crafts #cucumber #CraftArtisans #AllBoutDowntownStreetFestival #blackWidow #TakashimayaPerfume #BUSTMagazine #Perfumerie #perfumeoil #BurningMan #MarketesinQueens #HistoricDistricts


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